Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Kadang2 kita, manusia, takkan pernah lari dari melakukan kesilapan. Sebab kita lemah. Iman dan jiwa. Bila jiwa kosong, panduan hidup mula hilang arah sikit. No matter, we have to remember, what has been promise by Him is a promise. Never doubt on Him. Because He knows better. It's okay if we forget but when we retain our consciousness, turn to Him, Allah SWT. The Almighty.

p/s: When I got to know the feeling, I can never want to do it again.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Pitiful Sinner

The end doesn’t always need to be an enemy,
Not even haters,
Those days when they had such wonderful memories,
Doesn’t necessarily have to change for nightmares haunted,
They were the sinner,
A pitiful sinner, they said,
Let’s loose the tension, shall we?

p/s: A friend of mine said, hate the sin not the sinner.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Teacher's Day

We may go round and round around the world searching for the true love but nothing can compare our parents' love. May I say, I'm one of those lucky one, whose their parents are teachers? 

Ibu and Ayah, Happy Teacher's Day. You're my parents, my teachers and my love (emotional sbb dah nak cuti sekolah). I don't have money that I can give to you (except I'm the one who get money) but I promise both of you, I have love to give. 

p/s: This one is short one but sincerely from my heart =)

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...