Monday, September 23, 2013

And We Said Hello :)

The distance between paths
The distance between eyes
The distance between companions
All these distances should finish

There was a time when my heart
Returned empty handed after meeting you
This had happened
As if it has happened just now
I found you in everything

Am I coming near or going far?
I don't know where I am going
p/s: Like how Taylor Swift sang, "everything has changed since yesterday..."

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weird Lili: 1

I'm laughing the clouds away,
I hear what the flowers say,
And drink every drop of rain,
And I see,
Places that I have been,
In ways that I've never seen,
My side of the grass is green,
Ooh I can't believe that it's so simple,
It feels so natural to me,

If this is love,
Then love is easy,
It's the easiest thing to do,
If this is love,
Then love completes me,
Cause it feels like I've been missing you,
A simple equation,
With no complications,
To leave you confused,
If this is love, love, love,
Hmm it's the easiest thing to do,

p/s: Love Is Easy by McFly

BIG IV: Last One :)

Not goin' to miss from writing this entry. Hehe. We went for BIG better known as Bina Insan Guru at Kg. Sega / Sogo , Rantau :) What can I say was this was the best and relax BIG ever. You eat, sleep whenever you want, help to cook and voila you're free to go and do anything. Like seriously no pressure boleh tak. Best giler!

Since we had a very hectic week before that, we pretty much enjoy ourselves. Dapat ayah angkat ketua kampung lagi. The best thing about BIG here was all the unit involved are in Pengakap so it leaves us BT, BC, TESL and Pemulihan. Tak ramai Melayu so I'm kinda free~*if you know what I mean* Free as in tak malu sangat. *menari lagu YMCA, lalala* Bukan lah nak kata tak suka unit2 lain tapi macam with non-muslim my shyness tu kurang sikit. Nah eyefood :)
Hectic nye minggu tu dgn assignments, Mek makan nasi lemak pkl 3ptg :)
 Kami :)

 Excited students non-malay buat lemang.

Tengah buat dodol. Ni proses nak bagi santan and tepung pulut tu sekata..

 Nilah keluarga angkat saya :)

Rendang ayam in making :)
 MB ni muka macam Harrison Ford pun ada aku tengok~

 Siva cedera time tebas pokok, alahai anak tunggal sangat~

Muka Faiz memang ada time makan..

Halam rumah ketua kg, nyaman kan? Hehehe.. 

 Neoh, motif?

 Nah ni gambar bonus. Saya dan MekJahOhsemnh :)

p/s: Esok camping pengakap. Kalau semua orang tak nak pergi siapa je tinggal. Tak best la buat macam tu. Hidup bukan sorang2 hoy~

Monday, September 16, 2013

SBE IV: Malacca's FunPrint

*gagahkan hati menulis*

Oh hello everyone. Here's an update about our last SBE in Malacca. Thanks Noni and Mak Noni *giggles* sebab tumpangkan kami rumah. Paling superb pasal rumah Noni was the toilet. Hahaha. Teknologi habis. For me lah.

Paling best sebab lepas habis je loceng sekolah, tambah2 lagi dah drive sendiri, lepak tepi pantai. Pantai Puteri. Camwhore, makan2. Sila bagitahu siapa tak suka oi. Hilang semua stress. Even the school is beside the sea. Imagine you can see the never ending ocean right from 3rd floor. The wave just calms you down. Ah dapat posting situ pun best!

Sempat la merayau Banda Hilir kejap. Padahal plan nak round2 Melaka on Saturday. Terkilan jugak sebab tak jadi. Reason? Because the cool Alia forgot that she had appointment with Perodua Service Centre. Bagus Alia bagus. *blergh*

Sila cuci mata :)

p/s: Sorry for the pictures not in chronological order~

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...