Saturday, August 13, 2016

12 Years Later...

If it's not because of Aida, I wouldn't be there for Tini's wedding. Trust me. Anything about my primary school friends I would run from it. Why?

So let me tell you a short story.

Once upon a time, there was this girl whose parents are both teachers and she went to their school. She didn't have so many friends. Other kids dislike her because she was short tempered. She liked to pick fights with other kids especially boys. Well, she thought she was cool. The end.
Okay that girl is me. Believe me, going to reunion like today reminds me so much on how horrible I was. Really though. That's why I don't really go to my primary school friends' wedding. Sorry. I feel bad recalling the little girl I was 12 years ago. However, today they made me realized that 'Hey c'mon I'm still a kid kot dulu. Of course I do dumb things!'

Everyone is changing. You don't stay the same. You learn from mistakes and buckle up for the next phase. I'm like, screw you little Farah, screw everything.

p/s: If I could say something to my 12 year old Farah, I would tell her to make more friends, to appreciate them and...never pick fights with anyone I supposed haha :)

August :)

Alhamdulillah. Praise be to Allah.

I finally get posted peeps. Too many rumors. Too much promises. Too many hopes.

As far as I can remember, I finished school around November 2015 (itu kira sekali intern kays). Was called for interview on April 2016. Got my SPP interview result at the end of June.

Tahu tak from November until Ogos ni, berapa banyak kami-kami ni rasa hopeless. Cuba jadi positif kata mereka, tapi bila sampai dah tengah tahun tu berapa positif lagi kau ada. Nevertheless, I'm a happy kid staying at home. And yeah, I didn't work.

But didn't stay at home doing nothing. I kinda improved my cooking skills what. Takdelah level advanced. Perhaps intermediate maybe. Hehe.

I called my mom as soon as I checked my posting results. Silap timing lah time tu ibu kita dalam kelas, the whole class could hear I was shouting + crying excitedly. Haha sorry kids that's how your future teacher will be. Being posted to Negeri Sembilan is truly a blessing. Which school which district? Let's wait this Monday.

p/s: Never been so happy like I'm feeling right now. Alhamdulillah for everything.

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...