Thursday, October 05, 2017

School Goes On and On...

Last August 15 marked my one year of being a teacher. Feeling? Guhhhddd give me strength to endure all the future days of teaching. So here are some notes for yourself Lili:

1. Got my first chicken pox at 25 (to be exact 3 weeks before UPSR, pity my kids but that 2 weeks of holiday though!)

2. Checked off a few items in my bucket list (phone, travel, makeup...)

3. Fight the exam battle with my stepkids.

4. Got new friends, I mean school teachers haha.

5. Introduced a guy to my parents (yes gelak banyak-banyak sikit please).

It's pretty obvious the lists are such a bore, aight? But whatevs I feel cool okay. It's almost the end of the year means hello meetings, bengkel, taklimat and programs that I feel ridiculously unnecessary but not all.

For example, I just got back from bengkel Linus 2.0 though I don't teach Level 1 kiddos but bila pergi bengkel macam tu rasa macam wow bestnya ajar small kids. Not that I'm complaining sebab dah biasa ajar budak besar. Sometimes jealous jugak sebab I feel 'No time for playing, you need to get ready for your UPSR' but learning should be fun.

Bila nak jadi cikgu fun ni Lili. Plus, having colleagues who are about the same age as me really help me to enjoy.

See, balik sekolah pun still rant pasal kerja. Ranting does help even though kadang-kadang rasa annoyed sebab if you keep it to yourself boleh tension okay.

p/s: Tayar kereta pancit haritu. Dua dah tukar, dua lagi bila?

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...