Sunday, July 15, 2012

InsyaAllah =)

Banyak benda yang harus dan perlu dibuat sebenarnya tapi empunya badan ni still buat tak kisah. Folder ISL dan assignments yang dah mula nak berhimpun. Almost 20 and I can't find any words to describe myself. My writing? Admit it alia, it's been decreasing a lot this year. For some reason, I think writing for me now means something good, educational, something that can be share with people who read. Zaman menulis diari hidup 24 jam dah tak serasi. Sungguh dah tak serasi. I guess, that's what we called as growing up. 

Quality time when you can spend time with bestie watching movie, eating sushi, shopping pyjamas and laugh out loud. Somehow I need to change my blog's layouts to indicate something new. Something fresh. Sekarang tak boleh sbb broadband kan, huhehuhe. I'm going home next week. Yippieee for that people. 

One more thing. Lately there's a lot of articles/news about our Malaysian artists especially women turn over a new leaf. Start to wear hijab as to improve. Well, I'm proud of them. It's never been easy to change. It's a success when you can keep up your change. I always adore people who wear tudung labuh but still be fashionable. Ya Allah, give me strength to be one of them. Amin :)

p/s: Change for Him not for something else. That'll be the best reason.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Elaun Yeah Elaun

Rindu nak kembali merapu di blog. Haiyo sekarang nak kata busy tipulah kan. Cuma homework makin bertambah. Is it weird when I write 'homework'? Perkataan yg sepatutnya aku tinggalkan when I left high school. Hey but I'm going to be a teacher, so now whondehhhh la~

Elaun dah masuk korang. Syukur alhamdullilah. Ibu cakap aku tak menyempat pegi simpan duit dalam ASB. Opkos la ibu! Perasaan bila dah saving tu sangat2 lah wonderful. Hilang dah beban. Menyimpan utk kegunaan masa hadapan. InsyaAllah =)

Next week Ramadhan is going to say hello. One of my bestie cakap, 'Sedihnya, Allah SWT bagi kita umat Islam masa 1 bulan utk bersihkan diri.' Betul jugak. So kawan2, we should start from now. Jangan excited bila bulan puasa je. Okay adios T.T

p/s: Bulan puasa nanti tiap2 minggu aku nak balik rumah =)

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...