Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wordless 3: Good Time

Raya trip or Malacca trip. Unexpected. 1, 2, 3 and 4 girls or women? Nice one.

Esok PBS Volume 2. Wuhlaaa. Ready to meet new students and of course new school. That one goes for elt methodology. Dang another 15 pages. Cool cool cool, we can make it. We have to make it happen! Top priority should be given to incik's edu and language arts. Ready to be creative, people :)

p/s: Lawak la weh when you can find time to post another entry but at the same time neglecting your assignments. What what what? It's critical after all.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wordless 2

Perasaan disayangai itu indah. Sangat indah. 
Bayangkan disayangi oleh ahli keluarga. Ibu ayah. Adik-adik. Kawan-kawan. 

Apatah dengan lelaki yg tiada ikatan apa2 dengan kita. Ada dua pilihan. Sama ada sanggup tunggu untuk bahagia kemudian hari atau bahagia sekarang dan persetankan semuanya. You choose :)

Random Me 1: I Love Kpop

What's wrong with me listening to Kpop? 
Aku cuma dengar bukan taksub. Itu bezanya antara kau dan aku, iya kau taksub. This is not a complaining but more to a post about my standing. Even before kpop terkenal kat malaysia I am their fan. Like way before. Sebab? Aku suka dengar lagu ballad diorg, best dan sedih. Even mmg tak faham satu habuk pun.

I'm not one of them yg sangat gila dgn kpop. I am NOT!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wordless 1

Antara tangan yg malas menaip, jiwa yg tak tentu arah, otak dan minda yg sememangnya kosong dari idea2 menarik. Assalammuailaikum and holla. Hari ke-4 raya. Kan? Undone assignments. Heck with them. Nope tarik balik. That's all my marks and my future. Nak kata mood raya tak tahulah.

Is it because I'm 20, the raya feeling kurang eh? This time is different. This year is different. Why? I know why. Well the last few days are waiting. Kena start kerja yg bertimbun!

p/s: Bila nak berjalan raya ramai2?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Raya 1433H

Yeah I'm late. Selamat hari raya aidilfitri everyone :) Wishing you guys a great hols with beloved family and friends.

I ate a lot. Like serious a lot. Pelik kan bila makan banyak tapi rasa tak kenyang2. That's what happened to me. And I feel weird. Yup I gain my weight. *Need to do something abt that* Tapi yg penting dapat makan kuah lodeh/lontong =) Heaven giler sbb dah 2 tahun kot tak makan. Yes yes yes.

Oh yeah next week, right after raya hols, we're going for our 2nd SBE. Yeahhhh, at sekolah sg. rambai. Dekat dgn rumah wani. Best nya. Best sbb melaka kot, banyak tempat interesting. Not that I haven't gone to there but this one is different since pergi dgn kawan2. So hope for the best!

p/s: We're so orange this yearrrrrr =)

Sunday, August 05, 2012

La Tahzan

Kawan, terlalu jauh kau pergi. Sehingga aku penat mengejar. Penat menjerit. Penat meminta. Kita pernah kongsi semua, bukankah begitu? Berjanji itu dan ini. Tapi kini, aku bisu dan kelu. Tiada perkataan untuk aku katakan. Marahkah kau pada aku? Kita sama, serupa sahaja. Hanya doaku untuk mu. Agar kau beroleh kekuatan. Kekuatan untuk kembali senyum. Ya, aku rindu itu.

p/s: Perasaan apakah ini? Bila hati terasa berat dan sakit. Sungguh aku sedih.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Alat Bantu Mengajar

BM Literasi y'all. So we finally finally finally finished our presentation for 4 weeks' ABM. Cool huh. Okay2 bm mode. Selepas berhempas-pulas sampai tido pkl 4 buat ABM, kami sungguh lah berbangga. Like serious okay. Even gaduh2 tapi bila dah tengok end result semua tu macam takde apa2 dah. Biasalah tu, kepala kami2 semua keras.

p/s: Senior cakap: "Baguslah korang semangat buat ABM, nanti dah kahwin takde makna nak buat ni dlm kelas." Hella true =)

Iftar =)

 Alhamdullilah we were given opportunity untuk menikmati ramadhan masuk hari ke-13. Minggu ni asyik jadi annoyer kat kawan2 sebab nak keluar buka kat luar. Kekeke. So hari last monday, we were invited untuk berbuka di masjid paroi. Ada YB negeri sembilan lagi. Syukur rezeki kami hari tu.

Rabu pulak keluar berbuka di jusco. Plan last mins. Sedap =) Dapat makan lala, nasi goreng belacan, abc, tom yam, air kiwi. Nikmat :)

p/s: B4 this mcm ragu2 tgk didi minum starbucks. Nak jugak merasa. Tp dah google tadi and know what, starbucks is halal and certified by JAKIM. So I bought Latte for  the first time, mmg tak tau apa2. Siap lupa letak gula lagi~ Haila.

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...