Tuesday, August 27, 2013

RAYA kami 2013

Hey peeps. Hari ni dah 27 Ogos 2013. Habis cuti raya. Habis SBE yang last. Next semester kita praktikum pulak. *nosebleed*

Rather than saying 'as you get older, raya will not be fun anymore...and bla bla bla' Imma write this entry in a positive way. Well I had tremendous time during the 3 weeks holiday. *not doing any of the assignments were part of the fun too~* Pagi raya tu ayah kurang sihat so rutin biasa time hari raya tu berubah but changes are exciting kan? Lepas kena paksa dengan kitorg ayah paksarela tangkap gambar ni. Tehee :)

So we had mixture of green here and there.

And the best part was family gathering on ibu's side after such a long time. Dah lama tak balik kampung kat Sungai Dua tu. Memang terharu :(

So we had mixture of green here and there.

 Butterflies :)

Tak cukup sebenarnya ni. Dari takde langsung kan. Suka baju kurung ni sebab somehow it makes me looked thinner :)))

 p/s: Coming soon...SBE IV :)


nadia said...

Bukan baju kurung tu buat kau nampak kurus tp memang kau dah kurus! hahaha.. Percayalah ckp kak Ton.

Aliah Ginger said...

Hahaha *tutup muka* :)

anonymouslygorgeous. said...

bila kau edit dh x nampak hijau nye.

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...