Thursday, October 17, 2013

#FamilyTrip - Bukit Tinggi, Pahang (Part 1)

*Part 1, sebab byk sangat gambar so ada 2 parts :)*
So continuing our trip to Genting, ibu eagerly googled Bukit Tinggi, Pahang when her friends told her we should go there rather than Genting. Why?

Thanks to Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, ibu nowadays keeping track of entertainment world, making more new recipes and cakes especially, and found new interesting places for us to treasure.
She showed me this one blog where this blogger went to Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. It was seriously beautiful in pictures and even better in real life. We went there last Saturday. Yup, again. Unexpectedly. Bangun pagi tahu-tahu cepat siap nak pergi jalan.

And of course, bahana pergi Bukit Tinggi sama macam pergi Genting, tak jauh mana pun dua-dua tu. Tapi jalan, wuhooo, macam ular kena palu. Baru faham peribahasa tu. Fina mangsa kecederaan no. 1 dengan peningnya semua, lepas tu aku pun sibuk macam nak muntah dah time tu. Time balik tu Mily pulak. Haha. Semua tragis nak kena marah dengan ayah.

But I strongly suggest silah pergi Colmar Tropicale ni. Cantik. It’s French themed resort. Memang feeling macam kat France lah! Baru sedar yang Malaysia ni banyak je tempat-tempat cantik Cuma kita kena rajin explore. Cuaca takde lah sejuk sangat, biasa je. Masa kitorg pergi ni macam redup-redup je. Tak panas sangat sebab tak lama lepas nak pergi Japanese Village tu hujan lebat jugak kejap.

Kat Colmar Tropicale ni banyak restaurant and cafĂ© macam kat negara orang. Harga boleh tahan mahal. Ibu dah masak siap-siap sebelum pergi so we basically saved a lot of money on food. Kat atas you are not allowed to bring/eat your own food which means either makan kat restaurant situ or find another place. In our case we ate at car park at Japanese Village. Takdelah teruk mana makan kat car park sebab terbuka so macam chill je. Hehe 

Sempat pegi Japanese Village je, itu pun dah start hujan and Mily dah start pening. Cepat-cepat naik atas tengok rumah tradisional Jepun and turun. Tapi landskap sangat cantik. Ada waterfall. Boleh try kimono tapi different charge. Sebelum naik atas Bukit Tinggi ni kena bayar RM12 for adult. If you stay overnight akan dapat balik RM12 kalau balik hari macam kitorg kira burn lah.

Overall this trip was really NICE!
 Ze girls :) p/s: Fina mmg x pandai senyum..


 Macam dalam citer Merlin kan, hahaha..

 Tudia, Mr. Jasmin the man who made it happened :)

Ni belas ihsan baju and tudung Fina..

 Tak panjang pun jalan, pendek je tapi cantik :)

 Ibu said: Tak makan apa2 pun :)

 Ibu mesti kumpul fridge magnet kalau pegi jalan2

 Itik ni garang, so jgn dekat2 sgt maybe sbb org suka pukul kepala dia. 

 Oh hey this is ma kingdom!

 Bangunan belakang (atas) tu tempat parking, bawah tu macam hotel be continued

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...