Saturday, August 02, 2014

Eid 2014

After a long procrastination, I’m finally making a comeback. Come clap for me people :)
First story.
Eid 2014.

Tahun ni takde theme warna apa. Ibu said, I quote, “Belasah jelah warna apa2 pun.
Girls with the same corak of paisley but different colours. Mine with pink. Surprise surprise surprise, pink actually ‘my’ colour. Yup. Haha. Ayah and Azim chose blue for their Baju Melayu.

Ahad before Raya as orang N9 would call it as ‘Hari Mantai’ tu memang first time kerah keringat tolong ibu kat dapur. Sebelum ni tolong sikit2 ja. Tahun ni ibu punya excited buat rendang daging 2kg uolls and rendang maman like banyak giler okay! Perah santan sendiri 10 biji. Tumbuk sendiri kerisik dari masak sampai jadi coklat tu. Perghhhh terbaik. Tapi PUAS HATI!

Kekeke. Night on 4th and 5th raya tu pelan last minutes nak beraya rumah geng2 sekolah. Yelah dah drive sendiri, kalau tak dulu takdenya. This year such a meaningful memories sebab guess what, Puteri Khairunniza joined us! Maka bersua mukalah kami setelah beberapa tahun tak jumpa dia. Babe, you’re doing great! As usual ada Rafnor and Farah. Kekekkee.

Sempat beli monopod from Kak Wani hari Jumaat before balik. Puas lah cari siapa yang jual (nak beli jugak even takde smartphone), last2 time nak balik sekolah hari Jumaat tu, Kak Wani tgh buat monopod sale kat boot kereta dia. Hahaha. One good thing using monopod is actually you can fit a lot of people in one frame. Beli bukan sebab femes semua dok tangkap gambar guna benda alah tu tapi sebab praktikaliti. *yelah tu*

 p/s: KFC Gemencheh harus buat 24 jam :)

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...