Monday, November 28, 2011

Quick One

Okay update setelah lama menghilang. Haha takde lah lama mana pun. Hari ni keluar Melaka lagi, ayah dpt extra cuti. So ke rumah pakcik borak-borak, makan-makan dan gelak-gelak. Owh saya dapat kerja baru. 'KERJA'? Lalala. Jadi trainer ala-ala Jillian dlm Biggest Loser. Bezanya, haha, train adik aku 2 org tu. Adoi kelakar habis. Fina and Mily. Semangat gila jogging pagi2, so aku join la sekali. Ops tapi aku kayuh basikal, so sbb tu la pangkat lebih sikit ala2 trainer. 

Semalam berjaya habiskan 'Twenties Girl' by Sophie Kinsella. Wuh wuh wuh tq Kak Riza. Mmg best la storyline novel ni.  Ada part yg menyentuh hati gak. So tonight go go go with Ahern's. Last week baru beli her 'Thanks For The Memories'. Wuhoo. Gosh dia ada buku baru. The latest one!

Already on shelf :
- PS, I Love You
- Where Rainbows End
- If You Could See Me Now
- A Place Called Here
- Thanks For The Memories
- The Book of Tomorrow

Hunting for:
- The Gift
- The Time of My Life
- Girl In The Mirror
- Every Year

p/s: Dulu baca buku bi sbb nak show off. Kira power la tu baca novel bi instead of novel melayu. Tapi sekarang takde langsung rasa mcm tu (sbb dah matured kot~hahaha). Semuanya sbb terpaksa, nanti mau nya hancus bi aku??

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Salam Muharram 1433

Salam 1 Muharram 1433.
Jika kita selalu tunggu 31 Disember utk buat azam baru and bla bla bla.
Why not pada 1 Muharram ni kita jadikan titik tolak utk kita berubah.
Berubah ke arah yg lebih baik.
Hey jgn selalu salahkan life for not being fair to us, blame ourselves for not being fair to live =)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Goodluck Chingu~

Sometimes we have to take risk even it means dangerous. Because after all that is that and we have to face difficulties in making choices. I can't deny that there is time when I doubt myself. Whether I should do or shouldn't do that. And after I decide, that only when I can see "Ha, my decision was right."

Making wise decisions are not about growing up but it is about stay stronger and be matured. Because we can't always have the right decision, sometimes the wrong decisions teach us something that will take a long time to understand.


Owh yeah, and bunch of luck to my superb friends, Rafnornadiah akak Bai and Puteri Khairunniza aka Bomi who will take their STPM examinations starting on November 21st. Do the best girls!

p/s: Am not saying I'm matured enough~Hahaha..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday =)

Happy Belated Birthday tooo Me~
Thanks girls, one of the best that I have.

From left: Wani, Birthday Girl(haha), Dee, Noni, Mek and Nadrah

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some Songs Speak Your Heart

Found this video. I've been a fan of this cute little girl. She has a great voice kan?

Bye Bye Foundation

It was awesome, hilarious, sad, happening, memorable and the most exciting journey.
It was foundation years.
June 2010 - November 2011

I'm coming to degree yearssss. InsyaAllah!

Yeah (Summary)

Yes I'm here. Blogging. After quite some times. Where I had been? Let's summarize altogether because I swear can't afford to write everything.

1. My dearest lovely lappie was sent to ICU due to crtitical injured
+Motherboard rosak. Crying in the phone bila ckp dgn ibu, not exactly crying~Haha. Sent to pc world and after 2 weeks I got it back. Yeah it was expensive!

2. Exam exam exam.
+Finallyyyyy yuhooo. Final exam, for foundation years! Dem, I hate exams. 4 major paper for 3 semesters, gosh and I wonder how did I got through them~Speaking about exam, I was clueless to write when it for Ldv papers. Sebab dah lama tak menulis bi, pegang pen and zapppp takde idea langsung. Nothing bad compare to that.

Okay that's all yg boleh ingat kot. Anything miss? I shall update it later.

3. Birthday Party!
+Wuhooo yg ni even kurang surprise tp still tersentuh jugak bila kawan2 celebrate. It was late than the actual date but the memorable moment when I opened that door and there on the wall, dang! 'Happy Birthday Aliah', it was BIG okay~ Thanks Noni, Mek, Wani, Nad and Dee~

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...