Thursday, January 12, 2012

Strikes For Success, Now!

Wah almost a week tak blogging. I miss you bebeh! Haha saya suka sangat2 semester 1 ni. No evening class, hehe. Pukul 1 dah habis. So I'll write briefly about what happened since we started new semester.

Subjects :)

1. English Linguistic
-Yay Mdm Nurul Hafizah is teaching us for this semster. The diva lecturer, ecece. Okay what, last sem tak jumpa dia.

2. English Literature
-Wait, is this the small 'L'? Since we're not literature major kan. Pending lagi. Mdm Ashidah is in charge guys! This is the 1st time we met her, one of the senior in english unit. Quite happening la kelas dgn dia. Kalau boleh mata tu nak letak lidi biar tak nak tutup sbb ngantuk. Sekali kena attack susah daaa!

3. Bahasa Melayu
-Surprisingly, En. Azmi was my mom's friend during maktab. He recognized me during the 'sesi berkenalan' when I mentioned my dad name. Baru tau dialah kawan ibu yg ibu cakap tu. Kekeke kelakar!

4. PENdidikan
-We got Datin Zaiton again! Best2, sem ni mmg lecturers cool la. Tp slack sbb pen pun nak study dlm bi, hadoi. Pn. Sham tak pernah jumpa lagi, hopefully okay la eh.

5. Gerko Pengurusan
-Haaa Pn. Maznah pun best. Pandai attract student, lawak pun ye jugak. I loike :)

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...