Friday, October 19, 2012

Marathon Yay!

*Okay entry ni takde gambar or benda2 menarik. Haha. Just so you know, lappie saya baru keluar hospital.*

So, first thing first. My lappie has this habit. She likes to be admitted in ICU towards the end of the year. I don’t know why. Kali ni dah msuk 2 kali. Listen. Wahai lappie tersayang, sumpah aku saying kau. Tak terfikir nak tukar yg lain, kau jelah yg 1. Sound kuat, serious! Tapi kali ni dah masuk 2 kali. Time study week pulak. I’m saving not for you. I’m saving for other stuff. Important one, I supposed.
So this week should be my quality time with books. No joking. Exam is around the corner peeps. Yuhoo. Tapi tak boleh tahan la, kena jugak marathon Adam & Hawa since this week I’m not coming home. Erghhhhh, habislah limit bb lepas ni. Sabar ye saying habis sampai 32 je.
Done with pameran literasi *awesome, serious!*, BIG *yay =)*, rumusan kehadiran, buku mentoring, blab la bla noni and tamil are in the list *lega*. Now people, should we highlight the exam. Isnin, Jumaat, Sabtu and Ahad. Mampu ahad pun exam? Di IPG semuanya mampu uollssss. *now I really addicted to this ollsss phrase, annoying kan?~* Till then, dadadada J

p/s: Tajuk entry yg takde kaitan sangat ?~

Friday, October 05, 2012

Can She Go Against The World?

Do you wanna know about a story. True story. About a girl. Here we go.

She’s like a kid. Doing immature things. Play fool. Joking around. But no one knows, how sensitive she is. How easily she gets hurt or times when she ‘pulled’ her face. People always make jokes on the way she lives. Or may I call, work ethic?

This ‘schedule’ girl, she is very particular. Very. She has time on what to get up. Which road she’s walking. How she’s going to speak. The way she eats. Her money management. The list goes on and on. One day, she felt really sick of hearing that. Is there any wrong doing that? I mean, let her with the schedule thingy. As long as it is right. People question her. People make fun of her.

She’s tired of keeping to herself. She’s tired of listening to people’s sighing and complaining. She’s tired of people judging her, asking her why she did this and that. She’s really tired of this responsibility. She knows what she’s facing now it’s not something big. She knows that. Really.

But how should she react when her friends asking her to cover something. How should she react when her friends told her to go against her work ethic. People mad with her just because she follows the rule.

She is really tired.

She wants to cry. She is.

She knows that she’s not that perfect. She hurts others too. With words and actions. With face and expression. She believes what’s go around comes back around. She done may wrongdoings. She’s weak. Helpless.

p/s: Ada masa aku pun nak go against the world. Susahkan org lain. Biar org lain dpt masalah. Tp aku tak sampai hati sbb ada satu masa nanti aku mungkin di tempat org tu pulak.  Aku tak kata aku perfect. Byk flaws aku. Ramai lagi org baik kat luar sana. 

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...