Friday, October 19, 2012

Marathon Yay!

*Okay entry ni takde gambar or benda2 menarik. Haha. Just so you know, lappie saya baru keluar hospital.*

So, first thing first. My lappie has this habit. She likes to be admitted in ICU towards the end of the year. I don’t know why. Kali ni dah msuk 2 kali. Listen. Wahai lappie tersayang, sumpah aku saying kau. Tak terfikir nak tukar yg lain, kau jelah yg 1. Sound kuat, serious! Tapi kali ni dah masuk 2 kali. Time study week pulak. I’m saving not for you. I’m saving for other stuff. Important one, I supposed.
So this week should be my quality time with books. No joking. Exam is around the corner peeps. Yuhoo. Tapi tak boleh tahan la, kena jugak marathon Adam & Hawa since this week I’m not coming home. Erghhhhh, habislah limit bb lepas ni. Sabar ye saying habis sampai 32 je.
Done with pameran literasi *awesome, serious!*, BIG *yay =)*, rumusan kehadiran, buku mentoring, blab la bla noni and tamil are in the list *lega*. Now people, should we highlight the exam. Isnin, Jumaat, Sabtu and Ahad. Mampu ahad pun exam? Di IPG semuanya mampu uollssss. *now I really addicted to this ollsss phrase, annoying kan?~* Till then, dadadada J

p/s: Tajuk entry yg takde kaitan sangat ?~

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...