Friday, March 29, 2013

SBE Vol 3: Kelantan Here We Come (Part 1)

Olla. Our 3rd School Based Experience was in Tanah Merah, Kelantan! In SK Sri Suria, 17500 Tanah Merah, Kelantan to be exact. I've got tons to story. Meh meh meh, haha.

My first ever experience boarding on a train. Masing-masing excited giler. Oh yeah this semester we succeed in gathering all five of us in a same school. Nadrah joined us! Plan asal nak gerak at 6pm but then we had to pack our things and room whatsoever, we decided that we're going at 8pm. Haha ni yang kalut. Nak dapat teksi lagi tapi alhamdulillah sempat. Sampai je letak beg and had take-away McD sebab time tu dah 9.15pm. Our tickets pulak at 9.45pm.

Time train senandung wau tu sampai dari jauh Mek dah "Okay okay semua pegang beg. Pegang beg."
Hahaha and these dialogues will tell you guys our kekalutan!

"Noni pegang McD (ada bubur dlm tu)." Selang beberapa minit time kalut2, boleh pulak bubur tu spill sikit and paper bag tu koyak. Ternyata tangan Noni memang........hahaha!
"Okay train dah sampai! W4!!! Cari W4! ....W4! Hah tu W4!!!"
"Noni cepat sikit!! Lari lari lari..." Aku yang ibarat tengah marathon dengan beg roda, McD lagi berpusu-pusu mencari ruang."

Bajet nak buat muka sedih, hahaha~
Fascinated nak lambai org kat luar mcm ada org hantar je..
Aku rasa aku paling kalut, berdebar, shaking hand and feet semua masa nak naik train. Selamat sampai naik gerabak tu kena pulang merentasi gerabak2 lain untuk sampai ke gerabak kami iaitu W4. Noni mengucap time nak cross tu, haha. Bayangkan, selama ni naik KTM, LRT they were not like that. WE CAN SEE THE WHEELS!!! OMG OMG TAKUT GILER! 

 Muka fresh bgn tidur tak gosok gigi and basuh muka..

Our beds betul2 sebelah pintu (not exactly pintu keluar, mcm kat tepi lah), and paling kelakar, the door was not functioning sangat and the sound of trains sangat kuat berbanding time kitorg balik dapat bed kat tengah2 so senang nak tido. The other thing was everytime people went to the toilet ke, or using the door and they didn't shut it properly, we were like 'Errrr mister please close the doorrrrrr~~~~'

Kekeke~But after some time and right now, I miss boarding on train. Well, it was my first time but i strongly suggest YOU to try. Pergilah mana2, not only Kelantan.

Noni was the earliest to sleep on her tingkat dua katil. Haha with the earphones on, gosh Noni macam mana kau boleh dengar lagu dengan bising2 lagi?~ After taking some pictures, night story bla bla bla we're off to sleep. And dozing off on off on off every an hour. And wondering where am I like a zombie each and everytime the train slowed down~Around 7 masing2 dah tidur2 ayam. Alhamdulillah at 9pm we reached Tanah Merah Kelantan! Yayyy... be continued....

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...