Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Love Shopping

Girls heart/love shopping. Haha. We went out today. The first time of the girls' day out since we got our allowance, well not really kan, sbb we went to JJ kot. JJ is 'exclusive'. Okay sarcastic giler giler. What we did?

1. Food Haul
Hahaha, I, did, actually spent almost RM50 just for food that day. I'm a big appetizer, yeah! Mula2 kat food court then Kenny Rogers. Dang, sampai sekarang boleh rasa caesar salad dlm mulut. Rasakan~ But it was good, worth the money la.

2. Present for Dee
Me and Noni bought her a shirt, kekeke. So that she can wear to class. But still, I have to buy her a personal present, plus with Noni and Wani.

3. Bangle
I bought 2 bangles. Initially, it was from my mom but then I went back and bought one for myself. I found it attractive and super simple. So hooray for me!

p/s: Owh yeah, don't forget to mark this day as the day where Noni finally tried out how to bowl. We went for bowling y'all!

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...