Tuesday, June 16, 2015


In times of hardship and difficulties, most of us need support je rasanya. (though rasa macam nak orang lain rasa benda sama). It's not fair lah kan.

Smartphone kau hilang, tak kan kau nak orang lain hilangkan jugak smartphone diorang just so they can feel exactly what you feel. Seriouslah tak adil. Aku pun tak nak hilang phone semata-mata kawan hilang phone dia.

Ye analogi aku bercelaru. Sebenarnya simple je apa aku nak tulis.

I've been expelled (gituh) from staying inside my college which means no more waking up late in the morning peeps haha. So I had mixed feelings, was a bit bitter towards my friends until someone whatsapp me.

This was what my friend wrote:
"Insyaallah jgn risau kayss moga Allah permudahkan sbb ko selalu permudahkan urusan orang..hehe"

I don't need random quotes on tumblr dah, this made my day. *wipe tears*

p/s: I found my bae!

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...