Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Girls On Top!

Never been an active kinda girl. I asked my mom one time dulu if I can hike Broga Hill.

And she answered "Pergilah tanya ayah. Ibu tak kisah. Kadang-kadang ayah tak bagi sangat keluar."

Please remember if my mom answered this type of answers, it means:

"NO NO NO. Mana boleh pegi Broga Hill tu bahaya tau! Tau tak kat situ Along Spoon kena bunuh. Janganlah bahaya."

Hahaha. My dad jenis yang cool giler that I don't even asked his permission nak pergi rombongan sekolah sebab it's my MOM who decides everything. Kekeke.

So Broga Hill, NOPE.

But hey, I did this :)

I've reached the top of Gunung Datuk. Alahai mesti rasa macam 'Eleh baru nak naik ke, bukannya tinggi mana pun!' 

p/s: Azab semangat pegi hiking tu sampai bila-bila takkan lupa. And I sms-ed my mom that I went to Gunung Datuk malam dah balik tu. Bad daughter!

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...