Monday, February 27, 2012

Will Be Back

Dah lama tak update blog. Sumpah busy dgn homework, assignments. Kalau tak pun, mesti tido. Aigoooo. I'll be back. Nak update blog dgn byk stories. Were and will.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Love Shopping

Girls heart/love shopping. Haha. We went out today. The first time of the girls' day out since we got our allowance, well not really kan, sbb we went to JJ kot. JJ is 'exclusive'. Okay sarcastic giler giler. What we did?

1. Food Haul
Hahaha, I, did, actually spent almost RM50 just for food that day. I'm a big appetizer, yeah! Mula2 kat food court then Kenny Rogers. Dang, sampai sekarang boleh rasa caesar salad dlm mulut. Rasakan~ But it was good, worth the money la.

2. Present for Dee
Me and Noni bought her a shirt, kekeke. So that she can wear to class. But still, I have to buy her a personal present, plus with Noni and Wani.

3. Bangle
I bought 2 bangles. Initially, it was from my mom but then I went back and bought one for myself. I found it attractive and super simple. So hooray for me!

p/s: Owh yeah, don't forget to mark this day as the day where Noni finally tried out how to bowl. We went for bowling y'all!

Oh Problemo, Just Go!

In a clear mind, there is still problem running. In a clear water, there is still creatures inside it. We, as human, can never run from what I called as men bestfriend, problem. Haha. See, they keep on bothering us. Tak kisahlah kecik or besar, it still stressed us out.

I learnt from mistakes and what I learnt is when you're angry- feel like punching people and screaming from the bottom from your heart- just off the phone and the laptop. Don't use any medium of communication to let your anger out. Because sometimes, there are things that you will regret because you do it.

p/s: It is okay if you realized but it's not okay if you play like a dumb, like you're cool or something.

Monday, February 06, 2012

English = TESL

Language is a communication. Language is a tool. Language is universal. No matter what language you used in daily life, as long as people understand, it is accepted. That is language. And now it is about me. I'm 20. I'm a full-time student. And I'm a TESLian which by any mean, I study English to become a teacher. I have another 4 years to catch up, another 4 years to spend with my friends and I really really like my life now (Ok that was sarcasm).

p/s: Oh yeah, I would love to learn British accent. I just thought they look genius with that accent,haha =)

p/p/s: Life is not always about you. Is not always about what you like. You can't always get what you want. That's not the 'system'. Sometimes you get hurt but it's okay because you learn something. The harsh way will teach you to become a stronger person. There are times when you finally love the things that you dislike.

Gambar hny sebagai hiasan,haha =)

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Hello February. Hello FLog.

At first I was afraid, I was petrified 

Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side 

Then I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong 
And I grew strong 
And I learned how to get along 

And so you're back from outer space 

I just walked in to find you here, with that sad look upon your face 
I should have changed that stupid lock 
I should have made you leave your key 
If I had known for just one second, you'd be back to bother me 

Go on now, go walk out the door 

Just turn around now 
Cause you're not welcome anymore 
Weren't you the one who tried to break me with goodbye? 
Did you think I'd crumble? 
Did you think I'd lay down and die? 


I do think I need to write a diary like Mek did. Haha, joking! Tulisan tak cantik. Mcm cakar ayam~ A big NO! I'm here, back at home. Again! Haha, dad fetch me because of strong reason, you see. I normally go home by bus. 

I have a lot of things to do but somehow I just can't figured it out what? What to do? What to send? What to update? It's a mess. And I'm miserable. No doubt on that! I just...lost my own track, perhaps? Masa mula2 start sem, azam mmg meluap2. Okay enough on that. Gotta changed the attitude. Haha. "She doesn't have that attitude." Let me rewind what I need to do. 4 pages report on BIG 2012. Preparation on Philosophy's forum this Wed (hahaha I'm the moderator!). Slides for Feminism in Literature. Dang, I've got so much to do yet I'm just sleeping whenever I have free time!

The title was weird. I know. 
February + Blog = FLog

p/s: I had never crumbled when you leave me. Don't know why.

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...