Monday, September 16, 2013

SBE IV: Malacca's FunPrint

*gagahkan hati menulis*

Oh hello everyone. Here's an update about our last SBE in Malacca. Thanks Noni and Mak Noni *giggles* sebab tumpangkan kami rumah. Paling superb pasal rumah Noni was the toilet. Hahaha. Teknologi habis. For me lah.

Paling best sebab lepas habis je loceng sekolah, tambah2 lagi dah drive sendiri, lepak tepi pantai. Pantai Puteri. Camwhore, makan2. Sila bagitahu siapa tak suka oi. Hilang semua stress. Even the school is beside the sea. Imagine you can see the never ending ocean right from 3rd floor. The wave just calms you down. Ah dapat posting situ pun best!

Sempat la merayau Banda Hilir kejap. Padahal plan nak round2 Melaka on Saturday. Terkilan jugak sebab tak jadi. Reason? Because the cool Alia forgot that she had appointment with Perodua Service Centre. Bagus Alia bagus. *blergh*

Sila cuci mata :)

p/s: Sorry for the pictures not in chronological order~


Maicher said...

First, I like your background! 10 marks for that! :D

Second, I'm curious to death about the toilet. Asal tak snap a pic or two? :(

Third. I like the school jugak sebab tepi pantai! Jelly! jellyyyy!

Aliah Ginger said...

Haha alah lupa nak tangkap. Tekno sebab bila masuk rasa sejuk ada kipas. For me its tekno la padahal benda biasa je kan~

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...