Friday, October 02, 2015

Class of 2015

Now that I able to say and write it, I finally graduated. All those 5 years and 3 months. I made it. We made it. Nothing can picture my joy but there are lots of pictures I tell you. We had small session of throwback on class' whatsapp group. Boy, do I look different? You bet Lili.

Izzati was telling me how have I changed over the years from foundation. And I was like, huh, I did? She said ' Now, you look fairer!' Hahaha deym. I told my mom and my siblings, they were like 'Along kau memang gelap giler dulu, *with seriously good laugh*'

I was a bit dark after SPM. I had bad problems with my skin, acne here and there. My habit was to stay up late at night to prepare for my exam. With coffee addiction. Yummy! So my hands becomes my measurement to see how dark I am. Yelah dulu zaman tak fikir panjang takde boyfriend *wait I'm still single, wth* suka duduk tengah panas and etc etc.

I became from this horrible girl who can't control her temper (still do,a bit, okay lah), choosy, annoying, sensitive, childish and so much more to someone, I call myself , who is mature. Well, mature in my definition. I'm proud of you Lili! *pat myself*

p/s: I'm gonna miss you memories.

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...