Monday, October 31, 2011

Not Ready For EXAM!

[Macam mana okay tak layouts baru? Wuhooo haruslah kan, hahaha. Sekarang dah dapat edit html code sendiri, takde lah susah mana. Rasanya semua blogger mesti dapat tangkap sikit2 kalau dah selalu edit layouts blog.]

Okay back to the title, exam start on November 9th. Gosh, hari ni last October. Macam tu je kan pergi, bulan yg selama ni aku tunggu. Pelik kan? Wth~ Exam exam exam? Since high school lagi memang tak suka, siapa je. I'm a last-minute-so-called-revisionholic, so eyes and brain please cooperate well with me later. Hopefully I can catch up everything, kalau tak harulah aku nak menjawab nanti. Still tgh consider whether going home for this raya haji. Bukan tak nak balik tapi dgn kenduri lagi, rabu dah exam. Kat rumah mmg tak dapat study, that's for sure sbb dah try cuti deepavali hari tu. Erm?

p/s: The truth is: We can't be friends.Because I can't stop thinking about the 'past tense.'

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...