Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A B C.. 1 2 3..

Okay I know I'm not that active to post new entry recently. Really. I think I lost my magic. To write. To rant. And to blabber! Last few days were finished with useless sleeping. Hey but I got addicted to Running Man again. Been able to download few episodes, of course in HD! I love HD, who doesn't?

Results? I don't know if they're out or not. Others IPG can check it online. Okat what's wrong with IPG Raja Melewar. Tp takpelah, kureng sikit cuak. Nak lulus je, tak aim tinggi2 pun. Yg penting tak nak repeat. Siapa je nak repeat that 4 papers, seriously~

Christmas is coming. Okay I know I'm not celebrating it. Dee invites us. So? Aish dilema habis! KL pulak tu. Aish. Noni Noden dah MIA pulak. Nak ajak Wani, lg la aish kan.

p/s: Owh yeah I manage to hold my temptation. Relieve eh? Indeed~

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...