Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #4

Tadaaa the question:

[ Four of your favourite magazines. ]

Galaxie! Erm even I don't buy it that often now, pssstttt the price is expensive and the size is getting smaller. 2ndly is Seventeen, I mean it's kinda worthy. I forgot the price. 3rd is Cleo! Cleo is cool, the price is similar to Galaxie, right? RM5~ It's thick, to be exact and you get freebies. Way to cool, huh? I like like like like. Lastly is Epop kot, tapi dah tak beli sgt recently. Dulu masa takde Malay version, yg Chinese pun beli gak. Dapat tgk gambar pun jadilah kan. Haha. So that was my 4 fav mags.

p/s: I don't have the feeling. To write that much. Hadoi.

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...