Sunday, September 02, 2012

SBE Vol 2: Here We Are, SK Sg. Rambai

*drums rolling* Dum Dam Dum Dam (yeke bunyi drum macam ni, e'eleh). Fyi, I just woke up after fighting with edu's kkp until 6. Muka memang troll habis sekarang ni. 

This entry will be simple =) So the next SBE/PBS was done. It was more and more fun than the last time. Why? Sebab dapat relief, ajar student untuk sambutan merdeka, join senior teachers' class etc etc. SK Sungai Rambai is a small school, every standard has 2 classes. Cikgu2 pun around 37 something. Compare dgn sekolah ayah dulu, woahhhh memang la bezakan. But still sekolah ayah the best wifi ever! *Ahaks*

Kitorg dapat 4 hari sekolah je since jumaat tu cuti merdeka. 1st day sampai je, even before jumpa GB dah kena relief kelas. Haha of course la, some of the teachers are Wani's old teacher. Btw, it was Wani old primary school. So cuak jugalah nak relief kelas though masuk sampai 3 org.

Haha but the exciting part is primary students super super super like/adore/amaze by new student. Tak caya eh? Then why pulak everytime kitorg relief kelas, they were bersorak and menjerit. Kelakar. After few classes, rasanya I prefer budak2 darjah 1 kot. For me senang nak handle. Sebab diorg suka bercerita so kita layan jela. For me la. Ahaks!

Habis sekolah khamis tu, kami pun apa lagi round 1 melaka la. Since ada driver, haha. Naik river cruise melaka, first time boleh tak?! Redah jelah malam2 tu. Tgk movie step up 4. Woahhh that was one the best movie since minat aku ke arah2 mcm tu kan. *Giler*

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...