Thursday, May 23, 2013

3rd Semester's Exam

This post had been in my draft since before my first exam paper. Been wanting to write but then kinda blown away by movies, girl's talk, food etc etc.

I have to admit that this semester was quite tough (see, I'm using 'was' because I already start my riang ria cuti sekolah right away after Science paper). It's not about the subject only but the reason that 4 out of 5 papers, I didn't have enough time. By that I mean, shivering in the cold of exam hall, sweating because I didn't finish my essay yet and the pen kept on sliding down because of the sweat. How great~ I literally didn't get enough time. Why? Not sure if it's caused by me not writing for quite some time. Seriously though. I always had good time management but this exam was the worst ever. Some of us did.

And then the gap. Yup the gap between the last paper. Can you imagine 4 days apart. I felt like it was holiday already. Heck yeah! So on Sunday I spent most of my study time to sleep and being a sleepier. Yup it happened T.T But million of thanks and hugs xoxo for Didi aka my study partner :) And the Livita did their work fantastically!

That's all for my exam story. So I hope you enjoy the holiday. Stay fresh. Stay young. And stay beautiful :)

p/s: Kadang-kadang Allah SWT bagi kesusahan pada kita untuk kita ingat balik apa yang kita dah lalui bila masa kita dah senang kemudian hari :}

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...