Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Teacher's Day :)

It's May 16th. Well, as for many of us Malaysians, this date, yup this date every year means it is TEACHER'S DAY :) It's when we, kids, pupils, everyone celebrated our beloved beautiful, handsome, thin, tall, small teachers.

Since dah masuk IPG ni jarang dah celebrate. If you know what I mean. Dulu masa sekolah rendah, Hari Guru memang dinanti-nantikan. Lawan siapa yang paling best bagi hadiah kat cikgu. I used to give pens, sabun *kelakar*, dulang *mom's idea sbb berguna katanya*, kincir angin *yg ada loceng2 tu, menarik la jugak aku rasa time tu* and paling up bagi tupperware. Tupperware okay. Time tu dah sekolah menengah.

Kalau Hari Guru ni excited masa kecik2 dulu sebab dapat 'tolong' bukak hadiah ibu and ayah. Seriously best okay! *Anak2 cikgu la katakan~* Pernah kau tengok hadiah banyak macam tu, time bday pun aku tak dapat banyak macam tu* But my mom akan marah if we 'de ziblings' main bukak je. She will look at the wrapper and the name siapa yang bagi "Ha dia ni dalam kelas......" Ayah pulak tak dapat nak beat ibu sebab cikgu lelaki tak femes bab2 dapat hadiah ni khennnzz~

So teachers, my teachers, ibu Teacher Norlaila, ayah Cikgu Jasmin, guru2 Tadika Kemas, SK Jelai 2, SMK Dato' Mohd Taha, KMM, IPG Raja Melewar, thank you thank you thank you. For all the hard work, for the time spent to write *frickin* lesson plan (ya allah, dah duduk ipg ni baru tau seksi nya nak tulis lesson plan), for being patient with us naught students and for all the wonderful, incredible things you guys do as a teacher. All of you have the BEST job in the world :)

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...