Wednesday, April 30, 2014

BlueStacks App Player

Holla. I found this one software that you can install on your pc/laptop so it can download all apps from Playstore (Android). It's called BlueStacks App Player. What it does is you can download for example, Whatsapp or Line, and through your pc/laptop you can chat to your friends as usual on phone.

The only difference is you don't need a phone if you're like me.

Pretty simple and awesome right? Here the link :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Post Practicum

I miss going to school. I miss waking up early at dawn with the ice cold water. I miss the road to SKTTJ2. Dang can you believe it? I actually really miss those things. Sad to say that my first practicum has just ended last Friday.

It was the most beautiful things. Practicum just make me realized that I love this job. The kids, teachers, the same routine, assembly, speech, meetings, extra work. They were new at the beginning but I get used to them.

Getting one of the best school in Seremban might scared me at first but I get used to it. The systematic schedule. Like it fits me. I love rules and love to break it at the same time. Hiewhiew. What I’m trying to say is with those rules, the school actually has its own identity. Teachers have to keep up with the pace in order to establish the brand of the best school they got.

4 Nilam
A teacher should never favour her pupils but sorry these kids are auwsem! Well of course, they kinda hard to control at the beginning but I get comfortable as time passed. Especially when there’s no Kak Hajar at the back of the class. Haha. I felt there’s some restrictions when there’s someone at the back but Kak Hajar is so nice. She always gives me ideas and interesting things to teach. Malu gilak~

3 Zamrud
During the day when I’m supposed to be observed by Mr. All Jafri but 5 mins before the class he can’t make it and there I was, clueless and hopeless, so I got no back up lesson. Kak Kam leads the class for a while and I continue. We were discussing the answers for the activity book…

Me                         : Okay class, what is loyal?
3 Zamrud              :  Ha teacher! Muntah-muntah! Pening. Sakit kepala.
Me                        : Whatttttt???? *giggling in front of them* Hey itu loya lah! (Sorry for the BM  
                                 usage because sometimes you need direct translation in the class)

 Lawak kan? Different with 4 Nilam, these kids from 3 Zamrud, only few of them understand when I talk in English. I tried to discipline myself to talk in full English and I did for the early 2 weeks but as soon as I entered my 3rd week, I can clearly see blur faces they showed me. And that was the first wake up call for me! To be loose with them. Yes you see, we learned in class (IPG) that there’s no way for the pupils to learn English if we talk to them in BM. But theory is theory and practical itself is reality. No matter how simple the instructions are, some of them don’t speak English at home. I mean if I talk to them in BM, YES, the response is explosive kebabom.

p/s: So the theories sometimes remains as just theories.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thoughtless Tuesday

We live in cities you'll never see on screen
Not very pretty, but we sure know how to run things
Living in ruins of a palace within my dreams
And you know, we're on each other's team

I'm kind of over getting told to throw my hands up in the air, so there
So all the cups got broke shards beneath our feet but it wasn't my fault
And everyone's competing for a love they won't receive
'Cause what this palace wants is release

Anxiously waiting for the last observation :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

6 Ways Exercise Makes Your Brain Better

I came across this article on how exercise makes your brain better so I thought it's wroth sharing, so here you go :)

1. It spurs brain growth

As we get older, the birth of new brain cells slows, and our brain tissue actually shrinks. One brain-scanning study of healthy but sedentary people aged 60 to 79 showed significant increases in brain volume after six months of aerobic fitness training. No such changes occurred among controls who only did stretching and toning exercises. The researchers concluded that the improved cardiovascular fitness that comes with aerobic exercise is associated with fewer age-related changes in the brains of older people. Cardio boosts blood flow to the brain, which delivers much-needed oxygen (the brain soaks up 20 percent of all the oxygen in your body).

2. It boosts brain-building hormones

Much like plant food makes plants grow faster and lusher, the chemical known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, stimulates the growth and proliferation of brain cells. This is especially true in the hippocampus, the brain region that is largely responsible for memory and which is particularly vulnerable to age-related decline. The more you exercise, the more BDNF you produce.

3. It fights depression and anxiety

Depression slows the brain’s ability to process information, makes it more difficult for us to concentrate and reach decisions, and causes real memory problems. For serious depression, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants. For milder cases, exercise may help lift your mood. It cranks up the body’s production of serotonin and dopamine, brain chemicals crucial to happy mood. And it boosts levels of the feel-good chemicals called endorphins.

4. It reduces the effects of stress

If some hormones like BDNF make the brain younger, others help age it. These include the so-called stress hormone cortisol. Slow, scattered thinking and forgetfulness are caused by stress more often than we may realize. Exercise lowers cortisol levels, helping you to think straight again. It is also believed to help generate new nerve cells in the area of the brain called the dentate gyrus, an area of the hippocampus linked to the creation of new memories. Brain cells here are depleted during times of stress.

5. It improves your brain’s executive function
Executive function basically means cognitive abilities like being able to focus on complex tasks, to organize, to think abstractly, and to plan for future events. It also encompasses working memory, such as the ability to keep a phone number in your head while you dial. When researchers set out to analyze the effects of exercise on executive function, they looked at 18 well-designed studies and found that adults aged 55 to 80 who did regular exercise performed four times better on cognitive tests than control groups who didn’t work out. Effects were greatest among those who exercised 30 to 45 minutes each session for longer than six months, but substantial benefits were seen in as few as four weeks of exercise.

6. It increases sensitivity to insulin

When you eat, your body turns most of the food into glucose, or blood sugar, the main source of fuel for the body, including the brain. In order for that glucose to enter cells, it must be accompanied by the hormone insulin. Unfortunately, in some people, cells become resistant to insulin. The body then has to pump out more and more of it, and still blood sugar levels rise, often resulting in type 2 diabetes. And even if you don’t develop type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance is bad for your brain. When brain cells are flooded by glucose, it can adversely affect memory and thinking.

Regular exercise, however, can reverse insulin resistance. In fact, your insulin sensitivity increases, stabilizing your blood sugar after you eat—for at least 16 hours after a single exercise session. The better your blood-sugar control, the more protected you are against age-related cognitive decline.

p/s: Movement is the best medicine for mind.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

2nd Week of Practicum

It is already 2nd week of April. How is that happened? It means I went through half of my practicum weeks. Woah. So much things happened.

Kick off the last day of March with smiles and greetings as we melaporkan diri at SK Taman Tuanku Jaafar 2. Wake up at 5.45am everyday (I'm strong, yup) and have to make sure that I already in the car around 6.30. Surprisingly the school though it's still in Seremban area, it takes almost half an hour to reach. Funny story was, the first day we reached around 7.05am and took about 15 mins just to park the car because the parking are limited.

Our guru pembimbing is so nice, Kak Kam as we called her. I got total of 8 periods which mean 4 hours a week. Free on Monday. I was given classes of year 3 and 4. A lil tough for year 3 but so far it is under control. InsyaAllah.

I consider myself unlucky when it comes for certain things such as laptop and phone. My laptop had been sent to 'hospital' for the motherboard. I kinda feel guilty especially to my mom because at the end of the day I have to use her money to pay. Sorry mom. Another thing, my phone. Yup the phone that we all need in everyday life. It's just totally shut off and decided to end the life. Whatevs. I just had so many bad experiences with phone. Imagine when it comes to watch, I can always buy the cheap one and they'll stay strong for so longgg, even my friends asked how comes their watch have the battery probs and etc. Take it cool because each of us has the different challenge in our lives.

p/s: Your love is too much,. Overdose.

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...