Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Post Practicum

I miss going to school. I miss waking up early at dawn with the ice cold water. I miss the road to SKTTJ2. Dang can you believe it? I actually really miss those things. Sad to say that my first practicum has just ended last Friday.

It was the most beautiful things. Practicum just make me realized that I love this job. The kids, teachers, the same routine, assembly, speech, meetings, extra work. They were new at the beginning but I get used to them.

Getting one of the best school in Seremban might scared me at first but I get used to it. The systematic schedule. Like it fits me. I love rules and love to break it at the same time. Hiewhiew. What I’m trying to say is with those rules, the school actually has its own identity. Teachers have to keep up with the pace in order to establish the brand of the best school they got.

4 Nilam
A teacher should never favour her pupils but sorry these kids are auwsem! Well of course, they kinda hard to control at the beginning but I get comfortable as time passed. Especially when there’s no Kak Hajar at the back of the class. Haha. I felt there’s some restrictions when there’s someone at the back but Kak Hajar is so nice. She always gives me ideas and interesting things to teach. Malu gilak~

3 Zamrud
During the day when I’m supposed to be observed by Mr. All Jafri but 5 mins before the class he can’t make it and there I was, clueless and hopeless, so I got no back up lesson. Kak Kam leads the class for a while and I continue. We were discussing the answers for the activity book…

Me                         : Okay class, what is loyal?
3 Zamrud              :  Ha teacher! Muntah-muntah! Pening. Sakit kepala.
Me                        : Whatttttt???? *giggling in front of them* Hey itu loya lah! (Sorry for the BM  
                                 usage because sometimes you need direct translation in the class)

 Lawak kan? Different with 4 Nilam, these kids from 3 Zamrud, only few of them understand when I talk in English. I tried to discipline myself to talk in full English and I did for the early 2 weeks but as soon as I entered my 3rd week, I can clearly see blur faces they showed me. And that was the first wake up call for me! To be loose with them. Yes you see, we learned in class (IPG) that there’s no way for the pupils to learn English if we talk to them in BM. But theory is theory and practical itself is reality. No matter how simple the instructions are, some of them don’t speak English at home. I mean if I talk to them in BM, YES, the response is explosive kebabom.

p/s: So the theories sometimes remains as just theories.

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...