Thursday, April 26, 2012


The end of Literature and TITAS UAK. Dang. Nope. Not going to talk about it. But less that 2 weeks, final is waiting. 4 major papers. Ermmm. Okay. This is how I 'revised' today.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skinny Love

Times gone. That times gone. No more. Let's put an end to that. Because I no more want it. It was a mistake. Made by two of us. For us who have weak iman. I know how fairytales always told. I know how magic works. I know how happiness revolve around us. But I don't know how love happen. Is it accident? I know it was test. The world exam. Truthfully speaking, I failed. You failed. We failed. Most of us failed. Do I want to replay it? Do I want to rewind it? Do I want to put it back along the times now. Yes. Can you hear me? I do. I want. Can you come back, again? Can you hold the key to my heart, again? Can you guide me? Can you please be like before?

Oh wait. I was in dream. I was in fantasy. Do I want all of them? No. Can't you hear me? No. No. No. It was heavy at first but now it seems much more lighter. Thanks for coming in my world. In my dreams. In my hopes. In my doa. In my fairytales. I learned it the hard way. That love will always come to those who wait patiently with his or her iman. Amin :)

p/s: It's funny how you always find way to my heart but the most funniest is I'm not there at the end of your journey.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SBE Vol 3: Camwhoring All Day

After finished our assignments yesterday, we had fun the next day. Yahoooo. Actually the third day was quite tiring because we had co-curricular. And yeah we got to spend time in the school library. Free wifi, weiuheee. Penat woh tangkap gambar the whole school. Mesti ckg2 sekolah tu gelak2 kan kitorg. Haha *malu*. Nahas tak bawak camera stand, atas rumput pun jadi lah. But the picture came out nicely what~

 Go go kids

 Noni, Waniey and Alia

Pre-school children. Tgk that boy at right. Model huh~ 

Awww miss them :) 

Bdk2 sek mmg pantang nampak camera la 

Waniey was flirting, haha 

 Again, Waniey..

 Ada cerita di sebalik gambar ini.

See, the results of a Samsung camera. Proud of my camera!

p/s: That day, we ate breakfast and 'tapau' for lunch. Then I got call from my dad asking if we don't eat yet he wanna take us out. Awww mcm sek dulu :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

SBE Vol 2: DO-ing The Assignments

Kids are unpredictable. Some are naughty but they are not bad. I believe parents and teachers are the one who hold the responsibility to mould them. What I got? Never and do not choose them. I did that. I mean when I said “Oh nak tangkap gambar with that boy la. Dia comel.” DON’T. Yes, teachers always have their own fave students but don’t show it. How about the other kids?

2nd day. We did our child development assignments. I must say I was quite disappointed because not doing that carefully. We just did it. But it was awesome. The kids are funny. I mean they way they surrounded us, I was scared actually. Lots of small children. Huh?~ Hahaha. 

 Yes, I'm taller!

Credits to my mom tudung. Hehe privileges of staying home. 

 I know, awkward pose kan?

Kidssssss =) 

Faces of determination!

p/s: 2nd day we got to eat breakfast because we were the early birds. Yay!

SBE Vol 1: We ARE (finally) Teachers =)

As what I promised earlier. Way too long before. I know, my bad. Here the first part of my (I dunno how to describe the feeling) SBE journey. SBE stands for School Based Experience.

School: SK Kem Syed Sirajuddin, Gemas, NSDK
Date: March 5th-9th, 2012
Teachers: Alia, Noni, Waniey and Faizah

First day was all about nervous, nervous and nervous. Especially when it is my dad school. Urghhhh. I must say this first time was a good experience. For us to feel the gist of ‘teaching’ in school. We were assigned to finish few assignments, and yeah we GOT works to do! After attending the assembly, we reported ourselves to the headmaster. Mek and I were going to doze off if the reporting session was ‘clinging’ much more longer. We are the Queen of Sleeping =)

Then, went to see the GPK 1. Pn. Norisah is nice. Hehe. Then went to my dad’s room. LOL that was the time I turned into someone else. Like hell yeah Alia, what were you doing. Your dad lah. My dad. Yeah~ But it was inspiring. I mean to see my dad. Giving explanations. About the things he likes the most. Sports! I can now recall why he rarely whining about the tons of works. Reason: Because he is a sport guy and me, his daughter (+my mom) is TESLians girls. That’s why we whine a lot. Haha =)

 Assembly session. See those adorable kids?

 Sempat lagi snap, huhu~

 Hai, saya Ckg Aliah. Interested? 

 Group pictures :)

 Masa GB got call. Sempat lagi kan mek~

Meet your father-in-law. I mean my dad.

p/s: We don’t even eat that whole day. Why? Because at 9am, the food for breakfast+lunch finished!

Terukir Di Bintang

Jangan kau persoalkan siapa di hatiku
Terukir di bintang tak mungkin hilang cintaku padamu

Yuna is awesome. Yuna is talented. Yuna is young. Yuna is a Malaysian. Yay =)

Boo-hoo (^_^)

I neglect you. Yes, I do neglect you blog. Sorry. I wanna update and post entry like before. Remember, when I was so immersed in posting new entry almost every single day. And boo to me. Every time I click that 'New Post', I'll close the tabs in the end. Not so productive huh?!

Quick review:
1. I signed up for tumblr actually, that's why blogspot is kind of neglected.
2. Homeworks. They'll never end, right? Except for those not-so-long school hols.
3. Final starts on May 15. Test early May. Yay :(
4. Allowance reduced to 3 digits. Saving increasing to 4 digits. BIG clap for me!
5. Overall, I'm actually becoming more and more lazy. WTH~

p/s: Am listening to Yuna's Terukir Di Bintang :)

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...