Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SBE Vol 3: Camwhoring All Day

After finished our assignments yesterday, we had fun the next day. Yahoooo. Actually the third day was quite tiring because we had co-curricular. And yeah we got to spend time in the school library. Free wifi, weiuheee. Penat woh tangkap gambar the whole school. Mesti ckg2 sekolah tu gelak2 kan kitorg. Haha *malu*. Nahas tak bawak camera stand, atas rumput pun jadi lah. But the picture came out nicely what~

 Go go kids

 Noni, Waniey and Alia

Pre-school children. Tgk that boy at right. Model huh~ 

Awww miss them :) 

Bdk2 sek mmg pantang nampak camera la 

Waniey was flirting, haha 

 Again, Waniey..

 Ada cerita di sebalik gambar ini.

See, the results of a Samsung camera. Proud of my camera!

p/s: That day, we ate breakfast and 'tapau' for lunch. Then I got call from my dad asking if we don't eat yet he wanna take us out. Awww mcm sek dulu :)

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...