Thursday, December 29, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #5

The last question of the 5 Days Challenge =)

[ 5 places you want to go before die. ]

OMG, kalau byk duit best la kan dapat travel. Haha impian :) There are, indeed, many places I would like to go and explore. Of course the 1st place I would love to go is Mecca. To perform the last of Rukun Islam, erm with my family. Siapa tak nak? Dengar cerita from orang yg pernah pergi pun dah dapat feeling. So, jom kumpul duit banyak2~ Next, ni mmg tak boleh nak buang lah kan. Nak travel ke Korea. Since I'm a big fan of Kpop, dapat jejak kaki kat sana adalah peluang keemasan sgt2. Yuhooo~ Then bila dah pergi Korea, nak explore Japan kat sebelah tu pulak. Nak pergi jalan2 kat Shibuya, wow! The 4th one is UK kot. Entah suka accent British and suka cities diorg. I get the feeling mcm decent je kat sana. And of course sbb dpt shopping kot, sbb byk brand famous yg asal from UK so of course murah. Kat Msia mmg tak ada peluang lah kan~ Lastly, tak tau kenapa tapi teringin nak pergi Ireland. Sbb byk baca Cecelia Ahern punya novel kot. Terbayang dandelions, I know I'm mumbling right now. So these are my 5 places I would love love love to visit. InsyaAllah~(Kahwin dgn anak Dato' blh la kot~)

p/s: Am going to change new layouts, will be open to public(like anyone care) and will do more of blog challenges~Yippppieee..


nadia said...

cikgu da tua :)

Aliah Ginger said...

haha asal dah tua pulak~

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...