Thursday, May 30, 2013

Notting Hill

In case you ever wonder, I'm a huge fan of Hugh Grant. Mainly because he's a British. I love the accent. I like the way he looked when he was younger, see now he's 52. Yup really old. But I got 'that' disease of admiring older Hollywood actor because most of the years, they looked nice when they are old. Characters like Tony Stark, James Bond, Ethan Hunt.

So apparently I watched Hugh Grant in Two Weeks Notice with Sandra Bullock, dang I was thinking, the accent, the humour, PERFECTO! Then I went for a little 'hunt' of his filmography and decided that I would watched Notting Hill. Julia Roberts :) IT WAS GREAT! The soundtrack by Ronan Keating just made the whole journey of the movie becomes 'cantik'.

I get attached to romantic movie easily. I would cry over some cheesy meesy love lines. I did cried. Yup towards the end, when Anna said Will is just someone from her pass. That's me. And the lyrics by Ronan Keating, it speaks the best of the movie. Please watch {:

p/s: Somehow the British accent make their men sound smoking hot bebeyh. Hahaha!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bestie ^.^

I opened my Skype and there she is. She's always there for me. We spent almost 2 hours talking, chit chatting, laughing and exchanging news :) And the best thing is I got my old pics with her. Waktu zaman-zaman sekolah dulu. Hmmm. Now I regret why lah I didn't burn all my school pics into CD that when my lappie was formatted, I lost all the files. Haish.

Seriously though, talking with you made my day. Even it was awkward at first. We all felt that kan~

See, tudung senget2. Skarf putih. After manufacturing day (the whole day) kat Rembau :)

p/s: I used to be 'budak skema' during high school. Wait, do I still that girl?

3rd Semester's Exam

This post had been in my draft since before my first exam paper. Been wanting to write but then kinda blown away by movies, girl's talk, food etc etc.

I have to admit that this semester was quite tough (see, I'm using 'was' because I already start my riang ria cuti sekolah right away after Science paper). It's not about the subject only but the reason that 4 out of 5 papers, I didn't have enough time. By that I mean, shivering in the cold of exam hall, sweating because I didn't finish my essay yet and the pen kept on sliding down because of the sweat. How great~ I literally didn't get enough time. Why? Not sure if it's caused by me not writing for quite some time. Seriously though. I always had good time management but this exam was the worst ever. Some of us did.

And then the gap. Yup the gap between the last paper. Can you imagine 4 days apart. I felt like it was holiday already. Heck yeah! So on Sunday I spent most of my study time to sleep and being a sleepier. Yup it happened T.T But million of thanks and hugs xoxo for Didi aka my study partner :) And the Livita did their work fantastically!

That's all for my exam story. So I hope you enjoy the holiday. Stay fresh. Stay young. And stay beautiful :)

p/s: Kadang-kadang Allah SWT bagi kesusahan pada kita untuk kita ingat balik apa yang kita dah lalui bila masa kita dah senang kemudian hari :}

Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Teacher's Day :)

It's May 16th. Well, as for many of us Malaysians, this date, yup this date every year means it is TEACHER'S DAY :) It's when we, kids, pupils, everyone celebrated our beloved beautiful, handsome, thin, tall, small teachers.

Since dah masuk IPG ni jarang dah celebrate. If you know what I mean. Dulu masa sekolah rendah, Hari Guru memang dinanti-nantikan. Lawan siapa yang paling best bagi hadiah kat cikgu. I used to give pens, sabun *kelakar*, dulang *mom's idea sbb berguna katanya*, kincir angin *yg ada loceng2 tu, menarik la jugak aku rasa time tu* and paling up bagi tupperware. Tupperware okay. Time tu dah sekolah menengah.

Kalau Hari Guru ni excited masa kecik2 dulu sebab dapat 'tolong' bukak hadiah ibu and ayah. Seriously best okay! *Anak2 cikgu la katakan~* Pernah kau tengok hadiah banyak macam tu, time bday pun aku tak dapat banyak macam tu* But my mom akan marah if we 'de ziblings' main bukak je. She will look at the wrapper and the name siapa yang bagi "Ha dia ni dalam kelas......" Ayah pulak tak dapat nak beat ibu sebab cikgu lelaki tak femes bab2 dapat hadiah ni khennnzz~

So teachers, my teachers, ibu Teacher Norlaila, ayah Cikgu Jasmin, guru2 Tadika Kemas, SK Jelai 2, SMK Dato' Mohd Taha, KMM, IPG Raja Melewar, thank you thank you thank you. For all the hard work, for the time spent to write *frickin* lesson plan (ya allah, dah duduk ipg ni baru tau seksi nya nak tulis lesson plan), for being patient with us naught students and for all the wonderful, incredible things you guys do as a teacher. All of you have the BEST job in the world :)

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...