Thursday, November 08, 2012

Recap 2: Pameran Literasi

PISMP Sem 2 had their ultimate pameran literasi on 12th and 13th October. Dengan bertemakan 'Party', kitorg ada clown who was Asyraf btw, hehe, more balloons, cool souvenirs, cute cupcakes which I'm very proud of and LCD tv frommmmm afiq. Mampu? Hahaha.

I was in charge for, souvenirs, together with Noni. At first, kinda stucked to decide what to give. As it was 'Alat Bantu Mengajar''s exhibition. So we insisted on DOING it not buying it. Little crafty here and there. Then, we came up with cupcakes which was basically made from colourful towel for lecturers. Nicely done *puji diri sendiri*. And for students we made butterfly from manilla card and put lollipop as its head. *wait pictures are coming* and also bookmark made from paper clip. Haha yg ni paling byk and susah proses. It needs a lot of handsssss. A week kot berhempas pulas buat benda ni. Tapi semua org puji psl cupcakes and the souvenirs. Alhamdulillah. Thanks for those yg tolong, tidur 3-4 pagi. Nothing can described how proud I am with you girls =)

Here go the pictures. It tells everything.


 Girls behind souvenirs :)

 Unit lain punya booth. Cool huh?

 Semua pakat pakai tudung biru

p/s: Basically puas hati. Though nampak mcm kitorg main2 tapi thanks to people yg menggerakkan unit tesl 2. Tamil and mek yg bersengkang mata. Dr. Maridah yg berpuas hati. Another beautiful memories :)

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27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...