Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Project of Colours

After 4 weeks here in SK Labu, we finally finished with the internship. But did we finish the projects? Heck of course lah belum. Kertas kerja pun tunggang langgang tapi markah dah dapat. Biasalah nak survive dalam arus sekolah dengan projek tak siap, haha.

Penat tau dengan gigihnya kitorg datang sekolah buat projek. Hari sekolah cuti sebab jerebu tu lah kitorg ni dok mengecat kat kaki lima sekolah. Walaupun senget benget, well what can you expect? Cikgu perempuan kot. Cantik lah tu daripada takde apa-apa teehee.

p/s: So I found my childhood's hobby :)


Both of my cousin each from my Ayah and Ibu's side got married last week. Atikah who happened to share the same birthday with me chose October 23rd to get married. There was something about wedding that make them so beautiful. But I'm a gamophobia so don't count me in.

Meanwhile, on Ayah's side, Azraei got married on Saturday and the reception on the same day too. Cantik lah the bride. Her dress too :)

 Congratulation you guys. Another life has approached and you better buckle up!

p/s: Must be the lighting kot aku nampak putih, teehee.

23rd Birthday

Heyyo I'm 23 now!
Tahun ni a bit difference sebab Noni and Mek were not here, T.T So my housemates buat surprise tapi kelakar la sebab they came out with the cake at 10.30pm. Funneyhhh.
This year memang kelakar lah, selalu tu dah memang dapat agak the girls will buy cake and surprise at 12am sharp.
Ni dengan Kak Anis distracted baik punya tanya pasal Running Man lah ajak pergi toilet check air kotor. Macam-macam kot haha.
Thanks, tak sangka I still have friends despite my bad personality.
Love you girls :)

p/s: This year is different, no phone call. Ya'll know how painful is that?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Graduation's Dinner

Uh eh so we had our Teslians dinner right before exam. After presented our VIVA, haha. The venue was at Kelana Resort, Seremban. The food was superb delicious. Too bad I'm not a good eater at new place. We got a nice ballroom tapi tak cukup masa nak decorate betul-betul. But still cantik lah jugak.

I bought my dress from Fiska Shah Alam. Lepas dinner ni, selalu jugak lah terpikir bila lagi eh aku nak pakai dress tu? Any suggestion haha. The dress represented me sangat sebab flowy. Suka giler. 'Bila lagi eh nak pakai?'

p/s: Eh seriouslah, bila lagi nak pakai dress ni?

Family Day 1.0

So we had our family gathering kinda family day on my mom's side. Apparently, my mom booked the villa in A' Famosa during Matta Fair. It was way cheaper like half of the price.

We stayed in Villa D' Faro which come with its own swimming pool. So yeah! The villa was quite big since we had 4 families all together. It has 2 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms. But let me warned you, you can't have BBQ there. My mom signed an agreement to ensure we follow the rule but oh boy, did we?

We brought our own BBQ set. You can have BBQ there but you have to rent the set from the management itself which cost around RM200+. They will give you the equipment and charcoal everything.We forgot to google the rules actually haha.

It was a gerday with families. I mean, c'mon who doesn't like spending times with their families. Said by someone who go back home every weekend. Hehehe.

p/s: Mana tempat best kat Malaysia lagi? Cuti sekolah tak lama lagi dah.

Friday, October 02, 2015

Class of 2015

Now that I able to say and write it, I finally graduated. All those 5 years and 3 months. I made it. We made it. Nothing can picture my joy but there are lots of pictures I tell you. We had small session of throwback on class' whatsapp group. Boy, do I look different? You bet Lili.

Izzati was telling me how have I changed over the years from foundation. And I was like, huh, I did? She said ' Now, you look fairer!' Hahaha deym. I told my mom and my siblings, they were like 'Along kau memang gelap giler dulu, *with seriously good laugh*'

I was a bit dark after SPM. I had bad problems with my skin, acne here and there. My habit was to stay up late at night to prepare for my exam. With coffee addiction. Yummy! So my hands becomes my measurement to see how dark I am. Yelah dulu zaman tak fikir panjang takde boyfriend *wait I'm still single, wth* suka duduk tengah panas and etc etc.

I became from this horrible girl who can't control her temper (still do,a bit, okay lah), choosy, annoying, sensitive, childish and so much more to someone, I call myself , who is mature. Well, mature in my definition. I'm proud of you Lili! *pat myself*

p/s: I'm gonna miss you memories.

Thursday, October 01, 2015


Lately, I realized that I did not channel my feelings properly, the way they should be. Like being sad when you have to say goodbye to your best friends despite all those friendship's turbulence you went through. Nope. I did not shed any tears. I don't feel like it's a big lost. People come and go. What can you do, that's what I thought.

Perhaps I only feel their absence when there's no one to talk to. No one to listen to my childish chit chatty. Me do all the talking and they laugh. I do miss that. I might be scared of losing my funny skills. I realized before this when I'm being funny and use my friends as the subject of topic, they just laugh it off. No hard feelings (I hope so, guys). Ya'll know friends who laugh at your jokes, it made me feel like 'Gah, I'm so freaking funny!'. But now, I have to be aware because these lovable friends, they are not here with me. I'm dealing with someone else.

Sorry for giving you hope and being the one who crushed it down. Honestly, I didn't mean it. I guess, we both have different goals right now. I can't bring myself to the crowds. Like I said to you, I'm a coward. I'm scared and it is something that I cannot explain rather easily.

When you cannot organize your state of feelings like me, you do not feel what is at the moment. I remembered Dee said 'You have to let out what you're feeling' or else you'll have a meltdown.

p/s: How to let out the feelings when I am numb?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Girls On Top!

Never been an active kinda girl. I asked my mom one time dulu if I can hike Broga Hill.

And she answered "Pergilah tanya ayah. Ibu tak kisah. Kadang-kadang ayah tak bagi sangat keluar."

Please remember if my mom answered this type of answers, it means:

"NO NO NO. Mana boleh pegi Broga Hill tu bahaya tau! Tau tak kat situ Along Spoon kena bunuh. Janganlah bahaya."

Hahaha. My dad jenis yang cool giler that I don't even asked his permission nak pergi rombongan sekolah sebab it's my MOM who decides everything. Kekeke.

So Broga Hill, NOPE.

But hey, I did this :)

I've reached the top of Gunung Datuk. Alahai mesti rasa macam 'Eleh baru nak naik ke, bukannya tinggi mana pun!' 

p/s: Azab semangat pegi hiking tu sampai bila-bila takkan lupa. And I sms-ed my mom that I went to Gunung Datuk malam dah balik tu. Bad daughter!


In times of hardship and difficulties, most of us need support je rasanya. (though rasa macam nak orang lain rasa benda sama). It's not fair lah kan.

Smartphone kau hilang, tak kan kau nak orang lain hilangkan jugak smartphone diorang just so they can feel exactly what you feel. Seriouslah tak adil. Aku pun tak nak hilang phone semata-mata kawan hilang phone dia.

Ye analogi aku bercelaru. Sebenarnya simple je apa aku nak tulis.

I've been expelled (gituh) from staying inside my college which means no more waking up late in the morning peeps haha. So I had mixed feelings, was a bit bitter towards my friends until someone whatsapp me.

This was what my friend wrote:
"Insyaallah jgn risau kayss moga Allah permudahkan sbb ko selalu permudahkan urusan orang..hehe"

I don't need random quotes on tumblr dah, this made my day. *wipe tears*

p/s: I found my bae!

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...