Saturday, December 31, 2011

I'll Be Missing 2011

Less than an hour, Malaysian will be celebrating the year of 2012. If I would to reflect what I learn past 12 months it would be not enough of words for me to describe. Let's hope 2012 will be a great year for us to achieve success and dreams we want. And be grateful for what He has given us this far. I hope I'll grow more mature next year and be considerate to the person around me. Amin =)

p/s: Excited nak balik sekolah! Pegang buku, pegang pen, bwk beg kuliah. Hahaha~

Thursday, December 29, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #5

The last question of the 5 Days Challenge =)

[ 5 places you want to go before die. ]

OMG, kalau byk duit best la kan dapat travel. Haha impian :) There are, indeed, many places I would like to go and explore. Of course the 1st place I would love to go is Mecca. To perform the last of Rukun Islam, erm with my family. Siapa tak nak? Dengar cerita from orang yg pernah pergi pun dah dapat feeling. So, jom kumpul duit banyak2~ Next, ni mmg tak boleh nak buang lah kan. Nak travel ke Korea. Since I'm a big fan of Kpop, dapat jejak kaki kat sana adalah peluang keemasan sgt2. Yuhooo~ Then bila dah pergi Korea, nak explore Japan kat sebelah tu pulak. Nak pergi jalan2 kat Shibuya, wow! The 4th one is UK kot. Entah suka accent British and suka cities diorg. I get the feeling mcm decent je kat sana. And of course sbb dpt shopping kot, sbb byk brand famous yg asal from UK so of course murah. Kat Msia mmg tak ada peluang lah kan~ Lastly, tak tau kenapa tapi teringin nak pergi Ireland. Sbb byk baca Cecelia Ahern punya novel kot. Terbayang dandelions, I know I'm mumbling right now. So these are my 5 places I would love love love to visit. InsyaAllah~(Kahwin dgn anak Dato' blh la kot~)

p/s: Am going to change new layouts, will be open to public(like anyone care) and will do more of blog challenges~Yippppieee..

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #4

Tadaaa the question:

[ Four of your favourite magazines. ]

Galaxie! Erm even I don't buy it that often now, pssstttt the price is expensive and the size is getting smaller. 2ndly is Seventeen, I mean it's kinda worthy. I forgot the price. 3rd is Cleo! Cleo is cool, the price is similar to Galaxie, right? RM5~ It's thick, to be exact and you get freebies. Way to cool, huh? I like like like like. Lastly is Epop kot, tapi dah tak beli sgt recently. Dulu masa takde Malay version, yg Chinese pun beli gak. Dapat tgk gambar pun jadilah kan. Haha. So that was my 4 fav mags.

p/s: I don't have the feeling. To write that much. Hadoi.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #3

Here is the question for today !

[ Three of your favourite songs ever. ]

Three? Erm I have many selection of fav songs, truthfully but I would say my latest addiction is Junsu from the OST Scent of A Woman, You're A Beautiful. 2nd I must say Kelly Clarkson, her Because of You. I've been listening to her since the Breakaway album. She is superb, okay. Lastly, well I want to make the list universally~Lee Hom's Forever Love. The companion of the piano was so melodious, no doubt! So these are the list.

1. Junsu - You Are So Beautiful
2. Kelly Clarkson - Because of You
3. Lee Hom - Forever Love

p/s: There are times when you listen to a song and dang! The meaning are so similar to what you went through before. See, that is when we said a song speaks our mind =)

Monday, December 26, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #2

Here is the question:

[ Two people you want to be right now? ]

I would say, in a very clichĂ© way, my mom and my dad. Hey it means I love them eh. I do. They are my precious person who I would never get bored to spend time with. (Tiba-tiba touching~)

p/s: Even dah ada gf/bf, husband/wife ke, don't ever neglect your parent. Seriously they are your top priority!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

5 Days Challenge: Day #1

Here is the question:

[ One thing you want right now? ]

Thing? Do food is acceptable? Because I really want a set of Double McChicken!!!

p/s: Sedih cuti ni tak dapat makan McD. Tggu naik cuti eh. Dgn bubur ayam skali. Nyum nyum nyum~

You Can Try It Also!

Setelah lama terfikir-fikir nak post entry apa since cuti dah nak habis, yelah nanti dah naik sekolah tak boleh nak selalu blogging. So, I found this 'thing'. It is common I think nowadays but I think why not. Give it a try. For fun eh. So I'll be blogging about '5 Days Challenge' where you'll be given 5 questions for 5 days, starting from today.

p/s: Tak ready nak public kan blog. Nanti nanti lah ea~

Piza + Watson

Tadaaa. The result of Pixlromatic! Anyway we went out last Tuesday, right? It was fun even kat Tampin je. Kan ada org cakap tak kisah la pegi tempat paling boring pun if you have your loved ones that momento will do just great. Miss you girls, yelah those 2 baru lepas struggle STPM kan. Nak keluar lagi lah =)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Result~Degree Years?

Just now they posted the link to check our result. LOL I thought IPG Raja Melewar doesn't have that. Anyway, alhamdulillah. Syukur. Can't even described my feeling. I made it, y'all! Welcome to the land of degrees. All the hard work, for 1 and half years. The foundation years. Let's close that book and keep it tightly in our heart. No matter what happened, it doesn't matter. Well actually it does, a bit. But what matter now is our future ahead. Degree years, more hectic. More courses. Owh yeah and the best part is we're going to learn BM next years. New proforma for Teslians. Hear that =( We'll have BIG,more and more exhibitions, going out to school for practical and observation. Can't wait. Ahaha I actually made jokes to mom, saying that I want to go to her school for observation and projects and she said BIG NO! Haha. No way the same school.

Congratulation to everyone, who might reading this. You've done your best for 3 semesters. Let's strike for the next 8 semesters. Start counting =)

p/s: Twitter is fun but seeing that tweets on my timeline is no fun!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A B C.. 1 2 3..

Okay I know I'm not that active to post new entry recently. Really. I think I lost my magic. To write. To rant. And to blabber! Last few days were finished with useless sleeping. Hey but I got addicted to Running Man again. Been able to download few episodes, of course in HD! I love HD, who doesn't?

Results? I don't know if they're out or not. Others IPG can check it online. Okat what's wrong with IPG Raja Melewar. Tp takpelah, kureng sikit cuak. Nak lulus je, tak aim tinggi2 pun. Yg penting tak nak repeat. Siapa je nak repeat that 4 papers, seriously~

Christmas is coming. Okay I know I'm not celebrating it. Dee invites us. So? Aish dilema habis! KL pulak tu. Aish. Noni Noden dah MIA pulak. Nak ajak Wani, lg la aish kan.

p/s: Owh yeah I manage to hold my temptation. Relieve eh? Indeed~

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Temptation Is Killing!

Wahhhh sgt menguji kesabaran. Tp rileks dulu alia. Rileks. Mmg ;a cantik tp nanti duit pokai naik cuti sape nak tanggung. Tak boleh tak boleh. Nanti nak keluar lagi. Fuh sabar sabar sabar.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Mr. Butten

Mr. Bolero terkandas kat Seremban so sekarang saya dah tak sunyi sbb saya ada Mr. Butten. Wuhoooo dia warna merah and ada byk buttons sbb tu lah nama dia Mr. Butten. 

Okay aku dah gila. Siap2 nak pegi jogging =(

Friday, December 02, 2011

Felt Project

I'm here to announce that my felt project is officially begin !!!
Wuhooo. After got few delivery from pos laju, finally my stuff reached home. It's hard than what I saw from the internet. But NO PAIN, NO GAIN right? Mmg sakit lah jari aku~

 Sarung hard disk, cubaan ke-2

Try buat bunga then Take dipaksa jadi model. Cute kan?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Quick One

Okay update setelah lama menghilang. Haha takde lah lama mana pun. Hari ni keluar Melaka lagi, ayah dpt extra cuti. So ke rumah pakcik borak-borak, makan-makan dan gelak-gelak. Owh saya dapat kerja baru. 'KERJA'? Lalala. Jadi trainer ala-ala Jillian dlm Biggest Loser. Bezanya, haha, train adik aku 2 org tu. Adoi kelakar habis. Fina and Mily. Semangat gila jogging pagi2, so aku join la sekali. Ops tapi aku kayuh basikal, so sbb tu la pangkat lebih sikit ala2 trainer. 

Semalam berjaya habiskan 'Twenties Girl' by Sophie Kinsella. Wuh wuh wuh tq Kak Riza. Mmg best la storyline novel ni.  Ada part yg menyentuh hati gak. So tonight go go go with Ahern's. Last week baru beli her 'Thanks For The Memories'. Wuhoo. Gosh dia ada buku baru. The latest one!

Already on shelf :
- PS, I Love You
- Where Rainbows End
- If You Could See Me Now
- A Place Called Here
- Thanks For The Memories
- The Book of Tomorrow

Hunting for:
- The Gift
- The Time of My Life
- Girl In The Mirror
- Every Year

p/s: Dulu baca buku bi sbb nak show off. Kira power la tu baca novel bi instead of novel melayu. Tapi sekarang takde langsung rasa mcm tu (sbb dah matured kot~hahaha). Semuanya sbb terpaksa, nanti mau nya hancus bi aku??

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Salam Muharram 1433

Salam 1 Muharram 1433.
Jika kita selalu tunggu 31 Disember utk buat azam baru and bla bla bla.
Why not pada 1 Muharram ni kita jadikan titik tolak utk kita berubah.
Berubah ke arah yg lebih baik.
Hey jgn selalu salahkan life for not being fair to us, blame ourselves for not being fair to live =)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Goodluck Chingu~

Sometimes we have to take risk even it means dangerous. Because after all that is that and we have to face difficulties in making choices. I can't deny that there is time when I doubt myself. Whether I should do or shouldn't do that. And after I decide, that only when I can see "Ha, my decision was right."

Making wise decisions are not about growing up but it is about stay stronger and be matured. Because we can't always have the right decision, sometimes the wrong decisions teach us something that will take a long time to understand.


Owh yeah, and bunch of luck to my superb friends, Rafnornadiah akak Bai and Puteri Khairunniza aka Bomi who will take their STPM examinations starting on November 21st. Do the best girls!

p/s: Am not saying I'm matured enough~Hahaha..

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday =)

Happy Belated Birthday tooo Me~
Thanks girls, one of the best that I have.

From left: Wani, Birthday Girl(haha), Dee, Noni, Mek and Nadrah

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some Songs Speak Your Heart

Found this video. I've been a fan of this cute little girl. She has a great voice kan?

Bye Bye Foundation

It was awesome, hilarious, sad, happening, memorable and the most exciting journey.
It was foundation years.
June 2010 - November 2011

I'm coming to degree yearssss. InsyaAllah!

Yeah (Summary)

Yes I'm here. Blogging. After quite some times. Where I had been? Let's summarize altogether because I swear can't afford to write everything.

1. My dearest lovely lappie was sent to ICU due to crtitical injured
+Motherboard rosak. Crying in the phone bila ckp dgn ibu, not exactly crying~Haha. Sent to pc world and after 2 weeks I got it back. Yeah it was expensive!

2. Exam exam exam.
+Finallyyyyy yuhooo. Final exam, for foundation years! Dem, I hate exams. 4 major paper for 3 semesters, gosh and I wonder how did I got through them~Speaking about exam, I was clueless to write when it for Ldv papers. Sebab dah lama tak menulis bi, pegang pen and zapppp takde idea langsung. Nothing bad compare to that.

Okay that's all yg boleh ingat kot. Anything miss? I shall update it later.

3. Birthday Party!
+Wuhooo yg ni even kurang surprise tp still tersentuh jugak bila kawan2 celebrate. It was late than the actual date but the memorable moment when I opened that door and there on the wall, dang! 'Happy Birthday Aliah', it was BIG okay~ Thanks Noni, Mek, Wani, Nad and Dee~

Monday, October 31, 2011

Not Ready For EXAM!

[Macam mana okay tak layouts baru? Wuhooo haruslah kan, hahaha. Sekarang dah dapat edit html code sendiri, takde lah susah mana. Rasanya semua blogger mesti dapat tangkap sikit2 kalau dah selalu edit layouts blog.]

Okay back to the title, exam start on November 9th. Gosh, hari ni last October. Macam tu je kan pergi, bulan yg selama ni aku tunggu. Pelik kan? Wth~ Exam exam exam? Since high school lagi memang tak suka, siapa je. I'm a last-minute-so-called-revisionholic, so eyes and brain please cooperate well with me later. Hopefully I can catch up everything, kalau tak harulah aku nak menjawab nanti. Still tgh consider whether going home for this raya haji. Bukan tak nak balik tapi dgn kenduri lagi, rabu dah exam. Kat rumah mmg tak dapat study, that's for sure sbb dah try cuti deepavali hari tu. Erm?

p/s: The truth is: We can't be friends.Because I can't stop thinking about the 'past tense.'

Go Away

You're so cheap and this isn't like you
I can't get used to it now, It makes me dizzy, why
Who's breaking up with who
You're breaking up with me
Think it over before you say it, yeah

A guy that used to follow me around, a very decent guy
I let everything go for you alone
Who's breaking up with who
You're breaking up with me
Try living without me, yeah

Tonight of all times, why is it raining again
It makes me look so pitiful
[Minzy] Don't try to console me
Move this hand, we're strangers now

Don't worry about me and go away
I'll disappear, no strings attached
You thought I'd hang onto you
It's disgusting, don't misunderstand

I'll meet someone so much better
I'll make you regret it all
Sadness is only for now, boy
Cause love is over
Love, love is over tonight

Just say what you gotta say
How can you be uncool to the very end?
Fiancé? Beyonce
I'm walkin' out of destiny
Not pitifully alone, but a glamorous solo
That's my way
I gave it my all, so I don't have regrets

Pretending like you're more sad
Pretending you're cool to the end
All you do is act a fool
You ain't shi.t without your crew
I don't have time, I gotta go
So long, good bye, adios
I don't want to see your ugly face again no more

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I Can't Be Fix

Honestly, I didn't mean all the things that I've said.
Watching you saying sorry doesn't make me a winner.
Because this is me.
And I'm hoping you'll come back to me.

Sesungguhnya, biarpun aku ceritakan sedalam-dalamnya masih tiada siapa pun di tempat aku. Itu realiti. Dan realitinya ialah aku mmg bodoh.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Save The Best For The Last

Ternyata apa yg diangankan hanya sementara. Apa yg realiti harus diharungi. Memang tak semudah yg disangkakan tapi dugaan hidup mengajar kita menjadi utk lebih terbaik. Pedulikan kata org, kita memang di pihak yg betul. Jadi mengapa harus takut. Lain lah kalau memang salah then you have to be afraid.

p/s: Heart is really fragile. Really really fragile. Mine is the same too. It was broken and I still finding the missing shattered pieces.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Welcome Home

You will witness many differences, so hold fast to my Sunnah, and the sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs. 

Here I am. Going nowhere.
Don't worry y'all. I'm back. I'll be back.
Move on. No turning back.

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...