Monday, December 31, 2012

Bye Bye Sweet Holidayyy :)

#note: this will be a long entry *i suppose*, more to conclude my hols, warning: quite boring mcm cerita bdk2 buat karangan lps cuti sekolah.

Sekian. Cuti semester sudah pun mula melabuhkan tirai. Berakhirnya cuti sekolah maka berakhirlah juga cuti2 Malaysia kami student IPG seluruh Malaysia. Ramai yang pelik kenapa kami ni cuti sama mcm budak2 sekolah. Ada jugak yang tak puas hati dengan menegaskan bahawa cuti kami ni lagi lama dari student universiti. Well, whukhever lah. *padahal aku rasa cuti bdk2 ipg la yg pendek*

So, thinking about it, before hols started *time study week*, macam2 benda nak buat once I finished the exam. Guess what? I ended up doing nothing. Literally. Macam kucing kat rumah aku ni yang memang 66% masa mereka adalah tidur. Tak caya? *it's a fact applied for all cats*

Cth benda yang aku nak buat lah *sempat lagi mengelamun masa buat revision tgh2 malam* :

#1 Belajar Menjahit
- Since my ibu is a great tailor-full time teacher *cool*, ada lah jugak niat nak belajar jahit. My ibu tahu buat simple baju kurung je but it saves us a lot of money when it comes to baju kurung since we have 4 girls in the house y'alls! Tapi eleh cakap je angan2, bantailah aku tido makan on9 je sepanjang cuti. Memanglah pembongak habis alia ni. *akan suatu hari nanti, senang nanti baju kurung anak2 aku free je. senanglah suami iolls nanti, hehehehe*

#2 Morning Exercise T.T
- Yang ni lagi lah fail hampeh. Adalah kot 1-2 hari aku, Mily and Fina exercise lepas Fina habis SPM. Lepas tu, haremmm. Padahal aku kayuh basikal je pun, mula2 tu excited lah nak berjogging but then diorang cakap "Eh asal kau x kayuh basikal pulak along. Kelakar je kau jogging!" Hmmmm.....

#3 Habiskan stok felt ~masuk 50+ keping perghhh nak gunting lagi *white flag raised*
#4 Belajar baking ~takdo makno eh~
#5 Asah bakat memandu  ~adalah kot2 balik melaka tu aku bawak. jalan lurus boleh lah tunjuk aksen~

Conclusion nye, aktiviti harian aku. Pagi, bangun, mandi, on laptop *tabs fb, twitter, youtube* then 'sleep' mode, tv, tido dan begitulah berulang ulang ulang ulang.

p/s: Tunggu family vacation kami yg seterusnya next year =)

Friday, December 28, 2012

#Random 1

The moment when you feel like you'll end up alone just remember Allah SWT. Heard this song but it took me forever to realize the meaning.

Kau berikan ku kekuatan
Untuk berpegang pada jalan
Walau penuh dengan cabaran
Ku tahu ku adaMu Tuhan

p/s: I'm letting you go. This time it's for real.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Why is Pig Haraam in Islam?

Copied from:
Allhumdulilah For Everything!'s photo on Facebook.

Why is Pig Haraam in Islam?

MV: In Islam it is a major sin to eat Pork and it is considered to be the dirtiest animal in Islam. But many Muslims, including me, don’t even know why its so forbidden. This answer by a khair from, tells us of how dangerous pigs can be to the human brain and death it helped clear up many of us from being lost

A Christian is asking about the reason for the prohibition on pork Why does Islam forbid pork, when the pig is one of the creations of God?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Our Lord has forbidden eating pork in definitive terms. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“Say (O Muhammad): I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maytah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork); for that surely, is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been slaughtered for idols, or on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering)”

[al-An’aam 6:145]

By the mercy of Allaah and His kindness towards us, Allaah has permitted us to eat all good things, and He has not forbidden anything but those that are impure. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“…he allows them as lawful At‑Tayyibaat (i.e. all good and lawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods), and prohibits them as unlawful Al‑Khabaa’ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons and foods)”

[al-A’raaf 7:157]

We do not doubt for an instant that the pig is a dirty and filthy animal, and that eating it is harmful to man. Moreover it lives on dirt and filth, and it is something that is off-putting to those of a sound nature who refuse to touch it, because eating it is either a cause or a sign of a person’s oddness.


With regard to the physical harm caused by eating pork, modern science has proved a number of things, such as the following:

Pork is regarded as one of the kinds of meat that contain the most cholesterol, an increase of which in the bloodstream leads to an increased likelihood of blocked arteries. The fatty acids in pork are also of an unusual formation, when compared with the fatty acids in other types of food, which makes them more easily absorbed by the body, thus increasing cholesterol levels.

Pork meat and pork fat contribute to the spread of cancers of the colon, rectum, prostate and blood.

Pork meat and pork fat contribute to obesity and related diseases that are difficult to treat.

Eating pork leads to scabies, allergies and stomach ulcers.

Eating pork causes lung infections which result from tapeworms, lungworms and microbial infections of the lungs.

The most serious danger of eating pork is that pork contains tapeworms which may grow to a length of 2-3 meters. The growth of the eggs of these worms in the human body may lead to insanity and hysteria if they grow in the area of the brain. If they grow in the region of the heart that may lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks. Another kind of worm that is to be found in pork is the trichinosis worm that cannot be killed by cooking, the growth of which in the body may lead to paralysis and skin rashes.

The doctors have confirmed that tapeworm disease is regarded as one of the serious diseases that may result from eating pork. It may develop in the small intestine and after several months may grow into a large worm whose body is composed of a thousand segments, with a length of 4-10 meters, which lives alone in the intestine of the infected person and part of it may appear when he defecates. When the pig swallows and ingests its eggs, they enter the tissues and muscles in the form of larvae sacs containing fluid and the head of the tapeworm. When a person eats infected pork, the larva turns into a complete worm in the intestine. These worms cause weakness and vitamin B12 deficiency, which leads to a specific type of anaemia, which may in turn cause nervous problems. In some cases the larvae may reach the brain, causing convulsions, increased pressure within the brain, epilepsy and even paralysis.

Eating pork that is not thoroughly cooked may also lead to trichinosis (infestation with a hairlike nematode worm). When these parasites reach the small intestine, three to five days later many larvae appear which enter the intestine and reach the blood, from which they reach most of the tissues of the body. The larvae move to the muscles and form cysts there, and the patient suffers intense muscle pains. The disease may develop into infection of the cerebral membrane and brain, and infections of the heart muscle, lungs, kidneys and nerves. It may be a fatal disease in rare cases.

It is well known that there are some diseases that are unique to humans and are nor shared with any other animals except pigs, such as rheumatism and joint pain. Allaah indeed spoke the truth when He said (interpretation of the meaning):

“He has forbidden you only the Maytah (dead animals), and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allaah (or has been slaughtered for idols, on which Allaah’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering). But if one is forced by necessity without willful disobedience nor transgressing due limits, then there is no sin on him. Truly, Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Baqarah 2:173]

These are some of the harmful effects of eating pork. Perhaps after studying them you will not have any doubts that it is forbidden. We hope that this will be the first step in your being guided towards the true religion. So stop, research, look and think, objectively and fairly, seeking only to find out the truth and follow it. I ask Allaah to guide you to that which is best for you in this world and in the Hereafter.

But even if we did not know about the harmful effects of eating pork, this would not change our belief that it is haraam in the slightest, or weaken our resolve to abstain from it. You know that when Adam (peace be upon him) was expelled from the Garden, it was because he ate from the tree from which Allaah forbade him to eat. We do not know anything about that tree, and Adam did not need to enquire into the reason why it was forbidden to eat from it. Rather it was sufficient for him, as it is sufficient for us and for every believer, to know that Allaah has forbidden it.

Look at some of the harmful effects of eating pork; look at the research of the Fourth Annual Conference of Islamic Medicine, Kuwait edition, p. 731 ff; and al-Wiqaayah al-Sihhiyyah fi Daw’ al-Kitaab wa’l-Sunnah by Lu’lu’ah bint Saalih, p. 635 ff.

But we ask you once again: Isn’t pork forbidden in the Old Testament which forms part of your Holy Book?

“Do not eat any detestable thing. These are the animals you may eat… The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud, you are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.”

(Deuteronomy 14:3-8)

See also Leviticus 11-1-8.

We do not need to quote evidence that pork is forbidden for the Jews. If you have any doubt then ask people and they will tell you. But what we think we need to draw you attention to is some other things that are also mentioned in your Holy Book, this time in the New Testament which tells you that the rulings of the Torah still apply to you and cannot be changed. Does’t it say in the Bible that the Messiah said:

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have not come to abolish them but to fulfil them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.”

Matthew 5:17-18?

With this text, we do not need to look for another ruling on pork in the New Testament, but we will add here another quotation which shows definitively that pork is impure:

“A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. The demons begged Jesus: ‘Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.’ He gave them permission, and the evil spirits came out and went into the pigs.”

Mark 5:11-13

Perhaps you will say that this is abrogated, and that Peter said such and such and Paul said such and such…?

This is changing the words of Allaah and abrogating the Torah and the words of the Messiah who confirmed to you that it would abide as long as heaven and earth remain. Can this be abrogated by the words of Paul or Peter?

Let us assume that this is true and that the prohibition was indeed abrogated, but why are you criticizing this prohibition in Islam when it was prohibited for you at first?


With regard to your saying that if eating it is forbidden, then why did Allaah create pigs? We do not think that you are serious, otherwise we would ask you: why did Allaah create such and such of other things that are harmful or repulsive? Rather we would ask you: why did Allaah create the Shaytaan?

Is it not the prerogative of the Creator to command His slaves as He will, and to rule them as He will. No one can overturn His ruling or change His words.

Is it not the duty of the created being, the slave, to say to his Lord, whenever He commands him to do something: “We hear and we obey”?

You may enjoy its taste and want to eat it, and those around you may enjoy it, but doesn’t Paradise deserve some sacrifice on your part of that which your heart desires?.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Plain Water? Yikes!

Yup the title of this entry said it all. But don't get me wrong. It was before. I always find plain water is...tasteless. I hate it. I'm a very terrible person actually, in a day, I can count how many glass of water that I drink. Sometime it's NONE! Plus, when in IPG, when I have meal outside plain water will be never my choice. Normally, I drink plain water when I have my meal in the room.

Have you heard about 'Drink 8 glasses of water a day'? Well Professor Heinz Valtin said it is unnecessary for everyone to drink that amount of water. Why? Because it can be beneficial for person with health concerns like kidney problem but for a healthy person, there's no clear evidence of benefit. So, it's vary la kot for every individual. Few factors do contribute like environment, exercise, health conditions and pregnancy. 

So, kalau dah musim hujan tu tak payah lah nak tunjuk aksen sangetttt. Haha. And another interesting thing that I found is *I read it on9* the amount of water that you should drink a day depends on your weight. So let's say you weigh 50kg *like me*, multiply it by 0.033 litres. So you'll get 1.716 litres.

p/s: I started to drink plain water when I think about the goodness in it. Like the moment of realization. Haha. The first sip was the hardest but good results doesn't come in few minutes, right?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Counting Days

Thought of writing few last entry before the holiday over! Well well well, the results were out yesterday. It was weird because every time when the results came out, I'll be like the one of the first person to know about the news. Guess what? This time, aha, NOT! Instead I was sleeping the whole day sebab can't sleep the night before. Petang tu after an unexpected friend of mine sms, and masa tu jugaklah huru hara nak bersiap keluar, I checked. Alhamdulillah, syukur to Allah All Mighty. I'm happy about the result, well though it's not cemerlang gemilang terbilang but I tried. Alhamdulillah once again :)

Gambar langsung takde kena mengena!

p/s: The excitement of getting result was not the hype of waiting to 'log in' but getting attack by friends asking.

Saturday, December 08, 2012


I'm a typical girl. I always mad about myself for trying to hide from trying different million things. I always want to try new things. Or in fact, simple things. Like, giving out opinion in class in front of my own classmates. Voice out when I'm not satisfied. Standing for myself. But reality. Raising hand and saying "Mdm/Sir, I want to try." is really hard for me.

There's like boundaries between me and a wall. A wall that has been keep inside for a long time. Been trying real hard to break it. I guess, some people were born with spirit of 'wanting to try new things' but I like new things too. I like adventure. Where's the wrong anyway.

I think those people are high of my league. Need to find to keep us on the same level.

p/s: Whatever you're doing, believe that you'll do the best and you're best at it!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Books =)

I've been dying to finish a book, 'Thanks For The Memories' by my all time favourite author, Cecelia Ahern since early this year. It took a lot of courage especially when you're a university student. I just don't get it how book lovers can speed up their reading level. The book always has been beside me on bed masa dekat maktab. I would reading 2-3 pages and then sleep. I guess it's just a sleeping pill for me, huh? Lalala.

 My sayanggggggg...

So after few weeks of holiday, I success in finishing the book. Success. Happy. Next target? Move on to the next book, 'The Gift' Surprisingly, it took me around 2 1/2 nights to finish. Shocking! It's the same author, I think I'm glued to Ahern. Almost crying at the end of the story. It was pretty sad and realizing. Some of the words got be goosebumps. I know there must be twist to the story and it was TRUE! Another great book from her. Yippieeee =)

p/s: Another month of hols!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Diving While Drinking

 Live stream, cool!

Another 30 mins~

Haha menyelam sambil minum air. Itu je nak cakap. Nah ni aktiviti malam ni. Dari pukul 3 download. Apa? Yeahhhh Bourne Legacy Blu Ray. Was waiting for a long time for hd version. So another 3 parts. While watching Mnet Music Awards. Ailee won the very 1st award. She's super talented! Bukan nyanyi rubbish kpop. She's real talent tau.

p/s: Giving some advices to someone is easy. But make yourself do that is a whole different story.  

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Innocent Man

Just finished my first korean drama time cuti ni. At first I was hesitated nak tengok sebab ada song jong ki. Not a fan of him actually but had to admit he is quite skilful. And the heroin pun. Takde lah best sangat tapi I'm pretty much into it. This type of drama speaks of myself.

I like the make up though. In korean drama, we don't get to see the make up like contouring, higlighting la. Guna bronzer sana sini. Simply lot of foundation/bb cream, a lil blusher and lipstick. At first I was wondering kenapa lah make up mon chae won ni pale sangat but I get used to it. Cool drama =)

p/s: Lepas ni I Miss You which has eunhye and yoochun . Might be getting new phone next year. Yay!

I'm Just A Girl

I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know
I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on
Oh, I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in this world

p/s: World can be very mean. But inside you, is what make you strong. Never lose hope. I believe, one day the time will come. I believe that.

Determination ?

My level of determination of writing is ZERO. Total 0.

So, I'm going for blog challenge. Is scrolling. At 4.24am. Alone. Hungry. Growling.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Red: Strength

Losing him was blue like I'd never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met
But loving him was red
Loving him was red

Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there's no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong

p/s: Taylor Swift never feel scared to tell the world about her relationships...and how she gain strength from that :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maal Hijrah 1434H

In the excitement of life now, we often celebrate, wish and sms friends when it's new year but forget our own Maal Hijrah.

Wiki said:
Awal Muharram atau Maal Hijrah merupakan suatu hari yang penting bagi umat Islam kerana menandakan peristiwa penting yang berlaku dalam sejarah Islam iaitu memperingati penghijrahan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dari Kota Makkah ke Madinah pada tahun 622 Masihi. Peristiwa bersejarah itu berlaku pada 1 Muharram tahun baru bagi Takwim Hijrah. Namun Tahun Hijrah Rasulullah SAW dari Mekah ke Madinah itu diambil sebagai permulaan kiraan bagi kalendar Hijrah.

My revision:
Maal Hijrah ialah di mana Rasululluah SAW berhijrah dari kota Makkah ke Madinah. Muharam maksudnya diharamkan atau dipantangkan. Ini kerana Allah SWT melarang pertumpahan darah atau sebarang peperangan semasa ini tetapi larangan ini ditamatkan selepas pembukaan Makkah. So, since then, umat Islam dibenarkan menjalan ibadat tanpa terikat dengan larangan tersebut.

Peristiwa-peristiwa penting:
1 Muharam- Khalifah Umar Al-Khattab mula membuat penetapan kiraan bulan hijrah.
10 Muharam- Dinamakan juga hari ‘Asyura’. Pada hari itu banyak tejadinya peristiwa penting yang mencerminkan kegemilangan bagi perjuangan yang tabah bagi menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran.

p/s: InsyaAllah, ayuh berubah dari kejahatan ke kebaikan.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Recap 3: Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan 2012

Two days before pameran literasi, our class was chosen (together with unit bm) to go for perasmian bulan bahasa kebangsaan 2012 in nilai, negeri sembilan. Dengan redha hati, (even keje time tu, Allah swt je tau berapa banyak lagi) kami pun pergilahhhh.

Nothing much. Awesome sbb dapat makanan free. Cool sebab bekas makanan tu mcm japanese punya style. Kekeke :) Otw balik, hujan. I slept the whole journey. Nothing beats that.

Here are some eyefood :

 All girls

 I swear my feet looked weird in this pic..

Study partner, Didi =)

p/s: I fall asleep easily. Everywhere.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Recap 2: Pameran Literasi

PISMP Sem 2 had their ultimate pameran literasi on 12th and 13th October. Dengan bertemakan 'Party', kitorg ada clown who was Asyraf btw, hehe, more balloons, cool souvenirs, cute cupcakes which I'm very proud of and LCD tv frommmmm afiq. Mampu? Hahaha.

I was in charge for, souvenirs, together with Noni. At first, kinda stucked to decide what to give. As it was 'Alat Bantu Mengajar''s exhibition. So we insisted on DOING it not buying it. Little crafty here and there. Then, we came up with cupcakes which was basically made from colourful towel for lecturers. Nicely done *puji diri sendiri*. And for students we made butterfly from manilla card and put lollipop as its head. *wait pictures are coming* and also bookmark made from paper clip. Haha yg ni paling byk and susah proses. It needs a lot of handsssss. A week kot berhempas pulas buat benda ni. Tapi semua org puji psl cupcakes and the souvenirs. Alhamdulillah. Thanks for those yg tolong, tidur 3-4 pagi. Nothing can described how proud I am with you girls =)

Here go the pictures. It tells everything.


 Girls behind souvenirs :)

 Unit lain punya booth. Cool huh?

 Semua pakat pakai tudung biru

p/s: Basically puas hati. Though nampak mcm kitorg main2 tapi thanks to people yg menggerakkan unit tesl 2. Tamil and mek yg bersengkang mata. Dr. Maridah yg berpuas hati. Another beautiful memories :)

Recap 1: 20th Bday The Best?

School holiday has started, for us. IPG students. A lot of things happened between these 2 weeks eh? Think so. So I'm going to recap slowly the precious events in my life.

October 23rd. I'm 20. Simple and meaningful. Mek, Noni, Nadrah, Wani and Didi. They didn't wished me on that midnight. I mean, girls they are more emotional. The one who celebrated and was celebrated. Dua dua kelakar. I was like, ehmmmmm why no one come to my room and say something *curious curious* Didi was the 1st yeahhh because she was revising with me. Hahaha. It turned out that they really wanted to bagi I 'tersentap' sikit and on 8pm on 23rd we celebrated. Cake. Pizza. Float. Wuhoooo.

The best part is the CARD! Yes, the card. 'Lilisbee Journey'. I was indeed touched by the handmade card. Thank you for you guys punya creativity. Kertas teselasi lah semua. Kekeke. They made like a small book, decorated by water colour splash, and of course...a lot of my pictures in it!

Thanks a lot girls. Friends. All the wishes on fb and messages, may all of them can be turn into reality. I'm 20. I'm cool.

p/s: Banner clown tu recycle dari pameran literasi sampailah jamuan blok a =)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Marathon Yay!

*Okay entry ni takde gambar or benda2 menarik. Haha. Just so you know, lappie saya baru keluar hospital.*

So, first thing first. My lappie has this habit. She likes to be admitted in ICU towards the end of the year. I don’t know why. Kali ni dah msuk 2 kali. Listen. Wahai lappie tersayang, sumpah aku saying kau. Tak terfikir nak tukar yg lain, kau jelah yg 1. Sound kuat, serious! Tapi kali ni dah masuk 2 kali. Time study week pulak. I’m saving not for you. I’m saving for other stuff. Important one, I supposed.
So this week should be my quality time with books. No joking. Exam is around the corner peeps. Yuhoo. Tapi tak boleh tahan la, kena jugak marathon Adam & Hawa since this week I’m not coming home. Erghhhhh, habislah limit bb lepas ni. Sabar ye saying habis sampai 32 je.
Done with pameran literasi *awesome, serious!*, BIG *yay =)*, rumusan kehadiran, buku mentoring, blab la bla noni and tamil are in the list *lega*. Now people, should we highlight the exam. Isnin, Jumaat, Sabtu and Ahad. Mampu ahad pun exam? Di IPG semuanya mampu uollssss. *now I really addicted to this ollsss phrase, annoying kan?~* Till then, dadadada J

p/s: Tajuk entry yg takde kaitan sangat ?~

Friday, October 05, 2012

Can She Go Against The World?

Do you wanna know about a story. True story. About a girl. Here we go.

She’s like a kid. Doing immature things. Play fool. Joking around. But no one knows, how sensitive she is. How easily she gets hurt or times when she ‘pulled’ her face. People always make jokes on the way she lives. Or may I call, work ethic?

This ‘schedule’ girl, she is very particular. Very. She has time on what to get up. Which road she’s walking. How she’s going to speak. The way she eats. Her money management. The list goes on and on. One day, she felt really sick of hearing that. Is there any wrong doing that? I mean, let her with the schedule thingy. As long as it is right. People question her. People make fun of her.

She’s tired of keeping to herself. She’s tired of listening to people’s sighing and complaining. She’s tired of people judging her, asking her why she did this and that. She’s really tired of this responsibility. She knows what she’s facing now it’s not something big. She knows that. Really.

But how should she react when her friends asking her to cover something. How should she react when her friends told her to go against her work ethic. People mad with her just because she follows the rule.

She is really tired.

She wants to cry. She is.

She knows that she’s not that perfect. She hurts others too. With words and actions. With face and expression. She believes what’s go around comes back around. She done may wrongdoings. She’s weak. Helpless.

p/s: Ada masa aku pun nak go against the world. Susahkan org lain. Biar org lain dpt masalah. Tp aku tak sampai hati sbb ada satu masa nanti aku mungkin di tempat org tu pulak.  Aku tak kata aku perfect. Byk flaws aku. Ramai lagi org baik kat luar sana. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Growing Up

You're not a small kid anymore when you cry because of friends. You don't see the world big enough when you never know how it feels being alone, far from the loved ones.

Tak hati tak pernah marah, jauh lagi utk membenci. Cuma tak mampu nak tatap wajah kau. Hati meraung sedih, kau pernah tahu? Yes, I'm the black sheep. I'm the stubborn one. I'm bad not that good.

p/s: Nak jahit plushie. #EHH!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stealing Times =)

*Stealing times before I'm hitting the sack!*

Why do weekdays come really fast and weekend is feel like counting our happiest moments. They go so soon. So soon.

Why do we love procrastination but not loving a good time management?

Why do we choose to grieve over sad memories instead of moving on and be happy? Like the real happiness. No more we but it's only I, Me and Mine.

Why do I like to fantasize that great things will happen instead of making them come true?

And why the heck am I writing an entry when my own assignments are queueing up?!!!

p/s: I love Bourne Legacy. I love Jeremy Renner :)

Sunday, September 02, 2012

SBE Vol 2: Here We Are, SK Sg. Rambai

*drums rolling* Dum Dam Dum Dam (yeke bunyi drum macam ni, e'eleh). Fyi, I just woke up after fighting with edu's kkp until 6. Muka memang troll habis sekarang ni. 

This entry will be simple =) So the next SBE/PBS was done. It was more and more fun than the last time. Why? Sebab dapat relief, ajar student untuk sambutan merdeka, join senior teachers' class etc etc. SK Sungai Rambai is a small school, every standard has 2 classes. Cikgu2 pun around 37 something. Compare dgn sekolah ayah dulu, woahhhh memang la bezakan. But still sekolah ayah the best wifi ever! *Ahaks*

Kitorg dapat 4 hari sekolah je since jumaat tu cuti merdeka. 1st day sampai je, even before jumpa GB dah kena relief kelas. Haha of course la, some of the teachers are Wani's old teacher. Btw, it was Wani old primary school. So cuak jugalah nak relief kelas though masuk sampai 3 org.

Haha but the exciting part is primary students super super super like/adore/amaze by new student. Tak caya eh? Then why pulak everytime kitorg relief kelas, they were bersorak and menjerit. Kelakar. After few classes, rasanya I prefer budak2 darjah 1 kot. For me senang nak handle. Sebab diorg suka bercerita so kita layan jela. For me la. Ahaks!

Habis sekolah khamis tu, kami pun apa lagi round 1 melaka la. Since ada driver, haha. Naik river cruise melaka, first time boleh tak?! Redah jelah malam2 tu. Tgk movie step up 4. Woahhh that was one the best movie since minat aku ke arah2 mcm tu kan. *Giler*

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Wordless 3: Good Time

Raya trip or Malacca trip. Unexpected. 1, 2, 3 and 4 girls or women? Nice one.

Esok PBS Volume 2. Wuhlaaa. Ready to meet new students and of course new school. That one goes for elt methodology. Dang another 15 pages. Cool cool cool, we can make it. We have to make it happen! Top priority should be given to incik's edu and language arts. Ready to be creative, people :)

p/s: Lawak la weh when you can find time to post another entry but at the same time neglecting your assignments. What what what? It's critical after all.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Wordless 2

Perasaan disayangai itu indah. Sangat indah. 
Bayangkan disayangi oleh ahli keluarga. Ibu ayah. Adik-adik. Kawan-kawan. 

Apatah dengan lelaki yg tiada ikatan apa2 dengan kita. Ada dua pilihan. Sama ada sanggup tunggu untuk bahagia kemudian hari atau bahagia sekarang dan persetankan semuanya. You choose :)

Random Me 1: I Love Kpop

What's wrong with me listening to Kpop? 
Aku cuma dengar bukan taksub. Itu bezanya antara kau dan aku, iya kau taksub. This is not a complaining but more to a post about my standing. Even before kpop terkenal kat malaysia I am their fan. Like way before. Sebab? Aku suka dengar lagu ballad diorg, best dan sedih. Even mmg tak faham satu habuk pun.

I'm not one of them yg sangat gila dgn kpop. I am NOT!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wordless 1

Antara tangan yg malas menaip, jiwa yg tak tentu arah, otak dan minda yg sememangnya kosong dari idea2 menarik. Assalammuailaikum and holla. Hari ke-4 raya. Kan? Undone assignments. Heck with them. Nope tarik balik. That's all my marks and my future. Nak kata mood raya tak tahulah.

Is it because I'm 20, the raya feeling kurang eh? This time is different. This year is different. Why? I know why. Well the last few days are waiting. Kena start kerja yg bertimbun!

p/s: Bila nak berjalan raya ramai2?

Monday, August 20, 2012

Raya 1433H

Yeah I'm late. Selamat hari raya aidilfitri everyone :) Wishing you guys a great hols with beloved family and friends.

I ate a lot. Like serious a lot. Pelik kan bila makan banyak tapi rasa tak kenyang2. That's what happened to me. And I feel weird. Yup I gain my weight. *Need to do something abt that* Tapi yg penting dapat makan kuah lodeh/lontong =) Heaven giler sbb dah 2 tahun kot tak makan. Yes yes yes.

Oh yeah next week, right after raya hols, we're going for our 2nd SBE. Yeahhhh, at sekolah sg. rambai. Dekat dgn rumah wani. Best nya. Best sbb melaka kot, banyak tempat interesting. Not that I haven't gone to there but this one is different since pergi dgn kawan2. So hope for the best!

p/s: We're so orange this yearrrrrr =)

Sunday, August 05, 2012

La Tahzan

Kawan, terlalu jauh kau pergi. Sehingga aku penat mengejar. Penat menjerit. Penat meminta. Kita pernah kongsi semua, bukankah begitu? Berjanji itu dan ini. Tapi kini, aku bisu dan kelu. Tiada perkataan untuk aku katakan. Marahkah kau pada aku? Kita sama, serupa sahaja. Hanya doaku untuk mu. Agar kau beroleh kekuatan. Kekuatan untuk kembali senyum. Ya, aku rindu itu.

p/s: Perasaan apakah ini? Bila hati terasa berat dan sakit. Sungguh aku sedih.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

Alat Bantu Mengajar

BM Literasi y'all. So we finally finally finally finished our presentation for 4 weeks' ABM. Cool huh. Okay2 bm mode. Selepas berhempas-pulas sampai tido pkl 4 buat ABM, kami sungguh lah berbangga. Like serious okay. Even gaduh2 tapi bila dah tengok end result semua tu macam takde apa2 dah. Biasalah tu, kepala kami2 semua keras.

p/s: Senior cakap: "Baguslah korang semangat buat ABM, nanti dah kahwin takde makna nak buat ni dlm kelas." Hella true =)

Iftar =)

 Alhamdullilah we were given opportunity untuk menikmati ramadhan masuk hari ke-13. Minggu ni asyik jadi annoyer kat kawan2 sebab nak keluar buka kat luar. Kekeke. So hari last monday, we were invited untuk berbuka di masjid paroi. Ada YB negeri sembilan lagi. Syukur rezeki kami hari tu.

Rabu pulak keluar berbuka di jusco. Plan last mins. Sedap =) Dapat makan lala, nasi goreng belacan, abc, tom yam, air kiwi. Nikmat :)

p/s: B4 this mcm ragu2 tgk didi minum starbucks. Nak jugak merasa. Tp dah google tadi and know what, starbucks is halal and certified by JAKIM. So I bought Latte for  the first time, mmg tak tau apa2. Siap lupa letak gula lagi~ Haila.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

InsyaAllah =)

Banyak benda yang harus dan perlu dibuat sebenarnya tapi empunya badan ni still buat tak kisah. Folder ISL dan assignments yang dah mula nak berhimpun. Almost 20 and I can't find any words to describe myself. My writing? Admit it alia, it's been decreasing a lot this year. For some reason, I think writing for me now means something good, educational, something that can be share with people who read. Zaman menulis diari hidup 24 jam dah tak serasi. Sungguh dah tak serasi. I guess, that's what we called as growing up. 

Quality time when you can spend time with bestie watching movie, eating sushi, shopping pyjamas and laugh out loud. Somehow I need to change my blog's layouts to indicate something new. Something fresh. Sekarang tak boleh sbb broadband kan, huhehuhe. I'm going home next week. Yippieee for that people. 

One more thing. Lately there's a lot of articles/news about our Malaysian artists especially women turn over a new leaf. Start to wear hijab as to improve. Well, I'm proud of them. It's never been easy to change. It's a success when you can keep up your change. I always adore people who wear tudung labuh but still be fashionable. Ya Allah, give me strength to be one of them. Amin :)

p/s: Change for Him not for something else. That'll be the best reason.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Elaun Yeah Elaun

Rindu nak kembali merapu di blog. Haiyo sekarang nak kata busy tipulah kan. Cuma homework makin bertambah. Is it weird when I write 'homework'? Perkataan yg sepatutnya aku tinggalkan when I left high school. Hey but I'm going to be a teacher, so now whondehhhh la~

Elaun dah masuk korang. Syukur alhamdullilah. Ibu cakap aku tak menyempat pegi simpan duit dalam ASB. Opkos la ibu! Perasaan bila dah saving tu sangat2 lah wonderful. Hilang dah beban. Menyimpan utk kegunaan masa hadapan. InsyaAllah =)

Next week Ramadhan is going to say hello. One of my bestie cakap, 'Sedihnya, Allah SWT bagi kita umat Islam masa 1 bulan utk bersihkan diri.' Betul jugak. So kawan2, we should start from now. Jangan excited bila bulan puasa je. Okay adios T.T

p/s: Bulan puasa nanti tiap2 minggu aku nak balik rumah =)

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Life of Chocolate

I'm HOME and was eating chocolate when I'm thinking about this entry. Well I opened the refrigerator and found stack of cadbury. Cool huh? For someone who doesn't eat chocolate for quite a long time. Here goes the story. I was eating the chocolate *it was delicious* and I like chocolate with nuts, I don't like the plain one. So when eating it, of course I'll find the nuts to crunch. Yeah. The first, two portion of chocolate that I ate were full of nuts, mixed nuts to be exact, so I was glad and continue continue continue until I reached half of the chocolate bars. You guys know what, there's none of the nuts in the chocolate. No more nuts! I was hella disappointed. Because there were lots of nuts earlier.

Okay what I'm going to tell you, which I don't even know is relevant or not *gelak awkward* is life is like a bar of chocolate. You'll never know what you'll get. You might get a bunch of nuts like I did when eating the chocolate. Well, that nuts can be said like our rezeki in life. Whatever that you get, you have to be thankful and appreciate it. Yes, you can't choose you chocolate bar but be happy. At least you get to eat it. *Okay now I'm rambling*

Conclusion is, be grateful =)

p/s: Point is to said about the result that were out. But I lost track. Dang!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shake It Out

Regrets collect like old friends
Here to relive your darkest moments
I can see no way, I can see no way
And all of the ghouls come out to play

Every demon wants his pound of flesh
But I like to keep some things to myself
I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn

And I've been a fool and I've been blind
I can never leave the past behind
I can see no way, I can see no way
I'm always dragging that horse around

Our love is pastured such a mournful sound
Tonight I'm gonna bury that horse in the ground
So I like to keep my issues strong
But it's always darkest before the dawn

Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
Shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa

And I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
'Cause I like to keep my issues drawn
It's always darkest before the dawn

And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
And given half the chance would I take any of it back
It's a fine romance but it's left me so undone
It's always darkest before the dawn

p/s: Been listening to this song. It has deep meaning. The lyrics are beautiful =)

Easy Road, Hard One

New semester is officially kicks off last Tuesday. Result? Haha still no news. Hoping we all can pass this 'safely'. Well I think that's what everyone who basically struggling in their student years hoping for. InsyaAllah. With all the hard work.

Here I am. The 2nd semester student, major in TESL, 20 and *gladly* the new PKU for her class. Ahaks, OVER OVER OVER. Pairing with Milah aka Mail, haha. I was nervous at first but thanks to friends and also to Mail who helps me a lot. I'm able to do it. So far it's going smoothly. Hopefully for the rest of the following months.

My new semester's aims:
1) Try not to MISJUDGE people easily. In other way, not to punish people around me just because they're wrong. And maybe try to hold my anger. Well anger management!
2) Let go to what kills me and hold on to what makes me stronger.
3) No more PROCRASTINATION . No more last minutes study.
4) APPRECIATE people around me.
5) Never EXPECT for something bigger. Well, if something meant to be happened nothing can stop 'em, right?

Okay 5 should be enough. I'll add later if I have something. I've got a lot to aim but what I listed are just something that I can think now.

p/s: I'm active with my tumblr baby now. My writing nowadays are boring, I know. No colours. No interesting words. Haish~

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

2 Weeks 2 Days

Before cuti tak sabar2 nak tunggu hols. Nak balik rumah. Sampai buat list apa aktiviti nak buat kat rumah. Bila cuti je, hamik kau! Aktiviti yang paling banyak rasanya aku buat cuti ni, of course, tidur, makan and on9. Itu memang top 3 lah katakan. Nak update blog pun malas.

Okay actually before cuti habis ni nak jugak la tulis sebab for sure akan jadi sgt busy bila dah start kuliah. And I'm hella scared of my upcoming result on this Friday. Please wish me best of luck. Nak kata confident sgt lulus takyah repeat tu takde lah because I know how I answered last time. It was awful kot~Not saying that I'm confident that I can answer but because I study and struggle so hard. Well, for me it's hard. For me. But when I opened the question sheet, I almost got heart attack. *Shivered* Tapi yakin dgn Allah SWT because it's not that I don't tried.

So for those who is still in hols, like me, well~school holiday is coming to the end. Let's shoot for the next semester. InsyaAllah I'll try to lead my class, together with Milah aka Mail as the next KU and PKU =)

p/s: Buku utk subjek major je dah RM380. That's for one subject. Elaun buku every sem RM400, how for others subject?

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Okay this post is due to my unproductive activities at home, haha. And also because of my cravenness to food which is not recently.

Here is my top 3 list for food that I enjoy so much :) Let's jump in to everything!

#1 PIZZA pizza PIZZA

 Even my google homepage is the picture of pizza. So I can stare it at middle of the night when I'm hungry!

Who doesn't enjoy pizza? I do love pizza. Well first lemme tell you, haha sharing linguistic knowledge. Pizza is pronounce as PITSA not PIZZA. There the phonetic transribe ˈptsə/So next time stop saying pizza~ Before this I used to enjoy Pizza Hut but since last year when I discovered Domino's Pizza. Yay for them because it's super delicious, well it's cheaper also and you got coupons which is GREAT!

#2 McDonald
Well as for McDonald I must say my all time fav is McChicken because I don't really eat beef. I mean the taste is different, it's not that I can't eat beef though. So thumbs up for McDonald. And is hoping for Prosperity to make comeback, it tastes so gooood!

#3 COOL Blog
This one is un-describe-able. Haha. okay here we go. Plus, when it is on hot day. Cool blog is the best =)

I steal the pic from others. Sory~

p/s: I became food hunter when I'm in Seremban. No ibu and ayah to control. That's when I put on weight!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

His Laugh =)

A fan of him now. His laugh is contagious, I swear. He's a prankster! Haha.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Park Ji Sung =)

Okay I'm going to be soooo biased. Firstly I don't favour any of football teams but I do really fall for PARK JI SUNG. Know him? Okay everybody knows he's the Asian player in Manchester United. Haha. Okay *fangirling mode activated*. When I watched Running Man 95, he was the one who gave instructions to the running man but then I never ever thought he is darn funny. Like superb for someone who doesn't really go for variety shows. Seriously guys, you should watch Running Man episodes 95, 96 and latest will be broadcast is 97.

p/s: He's not that well-good-skin-complexion (watched in HD, you'll know it) but he is so funny. And I like his fingertips, see I really fall for man easily. Aigooo.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Kadang2 kita, manusia, takkan pernah lari dari melakukan kesilapan. Sebab kita lemah. Iman dan jiwa. Bila jiwa kosong, panduan hidup mula hilang arah sikit. No matter, we have to remember, what has been promise by Him is a promise. Never doubt on Him. Because He knows better. It's okay if we forget but when we retain our consciousness, turn to Him, Allah SWT. The Almighty.

p/s: When I got to know the feeling, I can never want to do it again.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Pitiful Sinner

The end doesn’t always need to be an enemy,
Not even haters,
Those days when they had such wonderful memories,
Doesn’t necessarily have to change for nightmares haunted,
They were the sinner,
A pitiful sinner, they said,
Let’s loose the tension, shall we?

p/s: A friend of mine said, hate the sin not the sinner.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Teacher's Day

We may go round and round around the world searching for the true love but nothing can compare our parents' love. May I say, I'm one of those lucky one, whose their parents are teachers? 

Ibu and Ayah, Happy Teacher's Day. You're my parents, my teachers and my love (emotional sbb dah nak cuti sekolah). I don't have money that I can give to you (except I'm the one who get money) but I promise both of you, I have love to give. 

p/s: This one is short one but sincerely from my heart =)

Thursday, April 26, 2012


The end of Literature and TITAS UAK. Dang. Nope. Not going to talk about it. But less that 2 weeks, final is waiting. 4 major papers. Ermmm. Okay. This is how I 'revised' today.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Skinny Love

Times gone. That times gone. No more. Let's put an end to that. Because I no more want it. It was a mistake. Made by two of us. For us who have weak iman. I know how fairytales always told. I know how magic works. I know how happiness revolve around us. But I don't know how love happen. Is it accident? I know it was test. The world exam. Truthfully speaking, I failed. You failed. We failed. Most of us failed. Do I want to replay it? Do I want to rewind it? Do I want to put it back along the times now. Yes. Can you hear me? I do. I want. Can you come back, again? Can you hold the key to my heart, again? Can you guide me? Can you please be like before?

Oh wait. I was in dream. I was in fantasy. Do I want all of them? No. Can't you hear me? No. No. No. It was heavy at first but now it seems much more lighter. Thanks for coming in my world. In my dreams. In my hopes. In my doa. In my fairytales. I learned it the hard way. That love will always come to those who wait patiently with his or her iman. Amin :)

p/s: It's funny how you always find way to my heart but the most funniest is I'm not there at the end of your journey.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

SBE Vol 3: Camwhoring All Day

After finished our assignments yesterday, we had fun the next day. Yahoooo. Actually the third day was quite tiring because we had co-curricular. And yeah we got to spend time in the school library. Free wifi, weiuheee. Penat woh tangkap gambar the whole school. Mesti ckg2 sekolah tu gelak2 kan kitorg. Haha *malu*. Nahas tak bawak camera stand, atas rumput pun jadi lah. But the picture came out nicely what~

 Go go kids

 Noni, Waniey and Alia

Pre-school children. Tgk that boy at right. Model huh~ 

Awww miss them :) 

Bdk2 sek mmg pantang nampak camera la 

Waniey was flirting, haha 

 Again, Waniey..

 Ada cerita di sebalik gambar ini.

See, the results of a Samsung camera. Proud of my camera!

p/s: That day, we ate breakfast and 'tapau' for lunch. Then I got call from my dad asking if we don't eat yet he wanna take us out. Awww mcm sek dulu :)

27 on 23rd

I have the best colleague in the world, envy me please 27 on 23rd Thank you from the bottom of my heart Didn't really understand ...